I don’t know if I agree with you here. This isn’t as petty as you seem to feel it is. The cultural significance of her impersonation is big and it’s definitely news worthy. News is more than stabbings and explosions.
This whole scandal has blown my Canadian mind more than anything I can remember. She has done an impressive job of bringing attention to First Nations people, and indigenous people in Canada overall, her Piapot family clearly loves and claims her. BUT, she’s also literally a colonizing liar who has benefitted off the struggle of our indigenous people. It turns out she wasn’t an advocate at all but an identity thief. I feel like everything I ever knew was a lie. Next someone’s going to tell me stompin’ Tom kept women chained up in his basement. Frig.
Please listen to me - stomach distension should ALWAYS be checked by a medical professional. One of my kids had slightly distended stomach which we attributed to a big rib cage and still needing to grow into his bigger frame.
It was a mature teratoma weighing over 20lbs
He had a physical with no issues just three days before we visited the ER for stomach pain. ER found it immediately when they noted the stomach distension during his exam and did scans to find out why.
Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s gas. But also maybe you devoured your twin in the womb and he’s back for revenge.
Please see a doctor and ask for an ultrasound at the very least.
I would say you probably won’t have as much success just listening to something than you would communicating back, no matter how much you immerse yourself. My spoken French is godawful, but my comprehension is good so I can follow along with tv shows and such, but my communication doesn’t improve much as there is no back and forth.
The one factor they always neglect to discuss in this housing crisis is that … well, we are in a housing crisis. That means there is a substantial number of these evictions that are actually valid (granted there are also a lot of shit, scumbag landlords). But we all know someone struggling right now for housing. If you’re a boomer with an extra property, you probably also have a kid, or a nephew/niece or other younger person/family who is struggling with housing, and they need a place to stay, and they want to move in to these properties. This will only get worse as housing becomes less affordable.
I’m not saying this is the only reason, but it certainly contributes to the spike we are seeing in overall applications.
Please god someone post an ai pic of a borg in flannel
Fuck it. Generally right before I make a large, usually irresponsible decision, I say “fuck it”.
I’m in Ontario. I’ve never heard the term “thuggy Mennonite” but it’s fucking perfect.
You look real good man. Get that job!
Dammit. I win. And not.
Why do people have to fucking ruin everything ?
I’ve seen this movie. This isn’t going to end well. If anyone needs me I’ll be in my basement preparing for a post apocalyptic hellscape.