This was my first Venjent vid, a year ago or so. Dude's putting real positive work into DnB
That's pretty fuckin annoying for all genders.
Hear hear. There's plenty of work to do, and it's only gotten easier to collaborate remotely as time goes by.
I say this as a hardware engineer, remote collaboration can and does work.
That's a really good idea, I mean it.
Somehow I knew that was from the Animatrix.
Great timing then. Here's hoping you find yet more nice vistas.
NY post is just a buncha conservative clap-trap, Murdoch trying to get my home city more conservative with fox and the post.
Eat shit and die, Rupert!
Beautiful. Can I ask where this is?
Great article, thanks
How much maintenance goes into our space lasers, obv.
Seriously, those comments suck.