
joined 1 year ago
[–] RubberElectrons 17 points 11 hours ago

Ooof that's horrifying

[–] RubberElectrons 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Built, physically operational reactors that operate as close to Q=1 as they can, with all the diagnostics included.

The diagnostics are very important, as plasma instabilities have been, and continue to be, the critical issue preventing anything useful coming out of our decades of fusion reactor design. All these companies are sharing data on overcoming plasma instability issues, with multiple geometries aimed at evaluating how plasma responds to different inputs in different environments. We're all trying to understand how to control and compress something far too hot to physically touch.

@[email protected] scaling fusion isn't a trivial problem, and saying it like it is indicates a lack of background knowledge. This isn't a competition between companies (no matter what our CEOs suggest), as we in industry quietly all agree that any of us that cracks this unchains humanity from the solar system. Because government funding has unfortunately sucked so much ass, we're sort of using private money to get the basic research done. We'd be so much farther ahead otherwise.

[–] RubberElectrons 2 points 2 days ago

Good points and questions. First wall interaction is going to be an interesting problem for this team to work around.

[–] RubberElectrons 8 points 2 days ago (2 children)


I've supported engineering at several privately funded nuclear fusion companies, though all of them, this Chinese company included, are building a product out of public school research.

Off the top of my head there's:

  • CFS
  • TAE technologies
  • Thea
  • Zap Energy

And several more...

[–] RubberElectrons 3 points 3 days ago

Thanks for finding this channel, as an engineer I freakin' love these kinds of shenanigans.

[–] RubberElectrons 12 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Say it again, friend.

[–] RubberElectrons 3 points 3 days ago

A poor joke, at best. But that's on brand for you, eh?

[–] RubberElectrons 5 points 4 days ago

That's exactly the mechanism being exploited, yes.

[–] RubberElectrons 7 points 4 days ago (6 children)

At least in the US, a lot of fault hinges on rear impact. Not worth a damn, however, with how many dashcams people have now. These idiots still try though.

[–] RubberElectrons 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Missing the forest for the trees here. This is a perfect example of outsider dissipation of our energy in making a conclusive decision on how to proceed.

Read my comment again, you'll notice what I'm equating the discomfort to as it currently stands.

[–] RubberElectrons 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Oh snap, just moved up here. This is awesome!

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by RubberElectrons to c/motorcycles

Anyone have input here?

I'm trying to decide which I like, yammie noob had a cool vid comparing the two with the xsr seemingly on top, but spec-wise, the z900 should be wild. I'm aware there are tune and exhaust kits to wake the undertuned z900 up.

I like spirited riding, but mostly on straights as I roar off to a campsite in the mountains. What do you folks think?


cross-posted from:

Google Pay alternative?

Hey there, I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts?

I don't have a Google account, nor am I interested in opening one.


cross-posted from:

Google Pay alternative?

Hey there, I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by RubberElectrons to c/[email protected]

Hey there, I'm looking for an alternative to Google pay that'll allow me to use NFC payments etc. Thoughts?

I don't have a Google account, nor am I interested in opening one.

E: Just to clarify, the payment part would be convenient, more annoying is how I don't get to use a single place for my subway/gym/ticketmaster passes.


What a way to start the day. Had a spare, so it added a few minutes to my morning. Carefully cleaned the dust from around the plug, swapped, started and rode.

NBD, but what the fuck?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by RubberElectrons to c/thenightfeeling

Exploring the city, it feels both dark and somehow inviting. New experience for sure.

Wish I could figure out how to attach multiple photos in voyager.

Gluten free? (self.lemmybread)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by RubberElectrons to c/lemmybread

Hey everyone, does anyone know how to make gluten free bread that might be as soft and fluffy as that previously posted Japanese milk bread appears to be?


So, after watching "Plagues and pleasures on the Salton sea" (available on YouTube for free), I decided to look into what was happening to it.

Looks like we actually may help with restoration. But what does that mean, where are we getting the water for it? Will that money actually get to us?


Hey there, Looking for some inspiration for guys getups. Lots of sites like dollskill etc have really limited options for dudes (but that's the case generally).

Thanks for any ideas you'd be kind enough to share!


Love this guy.

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