If I gave a fuck what Jake Paul thought about anything I would stick a shotgun in my mouth, and pull the trigger with my toes.
I don't even think it works in ironic quotations. No man with any true virtue, decency, civility, and honor wants to rob women of their own agency. The concept makes me fucking sick to the core of my being. It is morally reprehensible, and unforgivable. It honestly gets me enraged.
Not to be annoying, but can someone please ELI5 how kernel level anti-cheat software actually works, or link good resources where I can read about it.
I was an only child raised by a single mother, so I guess I have a relatively unique perspective. However, I'm pretty sure I knew both of those things were negative character traits from as early as I can remember.
It's all one big seditious conspiracy, and it has been from the beginning. Until the Judicial system is willing to start punishing them for their crimes none of it fucking matters. If the framers were alive today there is ample evidence they would have hung the lot for treason.
Don't forget he also financially enabled and supported camps that psychologically abused children for decades. He's always been a fucking piece of shit.
I don't think "like" is a strong enough verb in this context. You're a smokeshow...
You asked if there would be any consequences in the face of proof that Donald Trump or anyone else was committing sex crimes against minors. That is why I gave the reference I did.
Let's wait and see what happens with Diddy. I am confident he will be hanging from the top bunk just like Jeffrey Epstein long before he exposes any other powerful people who were involved with his sex crime syndicate.
Once you give up the game, or bring exposure to it you are promptly liquidated.
You should go educate yourself on how chomos and those with violent offenses against women are treated in prison, and then report back.
Same rules SHOULD apply here, but absolutely do not.
When you build the rule of law within your institutions around the honor system, then those without honor will invariably monopolize the system.
I am certainly not pretending everything is going to be okay. I am also of the opinion that violence is the only political action that ever truly solves anything, for better or for worse. Conservatives have a pretty large monopoly on violence in this country, and that problem is becoming self-evident to anybody that is paying attention.
Until the left is willing to fight back, or present a violent opposition to the erosion of our rights when necessary we are just slow walking to the forgone conclusion that our democracy has already fallen because there is nobody here that is willing to defend it on our own soil regardless of the cost.
This is precisely why Democratic states should begin economically embargoing Republican states.