That seems like a lot of extra work when we could all just die in a nuclear holocaust trying to stop the Democrats from sending more hurricanes.
Committees all the way down. Committee-ception. Right to the depths of Hell.
As always, the perfect combination of class, style, and sex appeal....
Correct. This is why there is essentially zero chance at political reform in this country without large scale violence. Granted, that violence will almost certainly be misdirected, but I think given the actual state of the system it truly is a forgone conclusion that we will see mass civil unrest within the next (~20) years.
I guess I didn't really explain my thought process very effectively from the beginning. That was my fault.
Oh man I'm really sorry to hear that, is the floor doing alright!?
I totally agree that no solution is going to be simple. I think what I envisioned was an inter-state compact where it would make it essentially impossible for medical providers to pull away. If we just use the West Coast as an example, what if Washington, Oregon, and California were to create a public option risk pool that could then be joined by other blue states? That is really the idea that I think is the most sensible, and potentially feasible to implement over time.
Yes, but you could say the exact same thing about the creation of single payer state insurance pools could you not? They can force negotiations on medical providers at the state level, and force them to accept state backed insurance if they wish to conduct business in that state. That seems like a way simpler solution than needing to come up with massive amounts of logistical infrastructure that already exists.
This is an interesting idea, but I don't see where that is ever going to be effective either given the massive logistical undertaking that would be required in order to deal with states managing non-profit medical facilities. The only option is to somehow circumvent the middle men.
That is why universal healthcare risk pools need to start at the state level. The goal needs to be to lock out the subsidization of those who are voting for predatory policies. This accomplishes a few important things.
It will systemically punish Republican voters in Republican led states.
Over time it will (in theory) massively shift the public consciousness in those areas around how badly they are getting fucked.
It removes the necessity of reliance on a federal change in order to begin the process of legislative reform.
This is obviously not a perfect solution, but I don't see this happening in any other way. There is roughly a (0%) chance we see universal healthcare implemented at the national level first.
That would literally be the single funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of mankind.
Brilliant 👏
Saving for future use.