They've been fighting against invisible monsters so long, they've forgotten that those are REAL people.
Go to a four year college so you can get the best jobs.
That's like saying Flight Club is a movie about soap.
My guess is that it sounds depressing.
That's deep and all, but I just meant, what are people's general opinion of you now.
Congratulations! Any contributions to math is impressive to me!
That may be one of the most inspirational stories I've heard yet! Proud of you! Fight the power!
Woah there buddy, let's be realistic here!
Not sure how I feel about repeat playable characters.
That is Zayne and Mose, right?
I felt less connected to 3 than any other BL game, so seeing those characters come back did nothing for me.
The struggle is real.
Bought a used N64 a few years back, grabbed some essential games, but needed controllers.
Ordered 4, 2 had bad sticks. Returned those for 2 more, one had a bad stick. Returned that and finally had a full set.
If we actually played like we did back in the day, I'd have needed to replace them all at least twice by now.
Do you have a moment to discuss your car's warranty?
Hey thanks! Back at you!