Doug REALLY loves eggs and milk.
Started a new run last week to check out the new stuff in the update. I finally have enough cash to consider the booksellers wares. Anybody have tips on books that were better than expected, or were disappointing?
Clam chowder.
Maybe you like clam chowder, that's fine, but even then, it's going to stink up the whole office and you might go through a few little cups worth, but nobody's grabbing a big bowl of chowder at a pot luck.
My whole family is going to start complaining that the WiFi is busted and I need to fix it.
Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!!!
A metal head is the kind of guy I want watching my back. They aren't afraid to get knocked around a little, usually smarter than most, and they have the biggest hearts.
Of course, there are exceptions, but that's the general vibe I get from the metal heads I've met.
You sound like me. You ever nod off when you really don't want to just because you're bored?
I would go from full of energy to 0 in minutes during a boring lecture, reading bedtime stories or driving. (Yeah. Scary)
Nobody ever complains about the inattentive type. We just get labeled lazy, but we aren't disruptive, so we don't get the attention that leads to diagnosis.
Any. At all. I've been itching to play for a few years now!
The most I wear a pair is maybe the next day if I didn't have them on very long the day before.
I would also like to hear an expert opinion on this. Never really made sense to me either, but it also doesn't sound unreasonable.
Is the fly evil because it lays maggots on your meat?...
No, as these are things they must do to survive.
However, if these creatures were designed by a creator in such a way that they had to perform "evil" to survive, then they are innocent and the creator is evil.
Raised in rural PA. I know EXACTLY the kind of slop your talking about!
It's essentially random shit you have laying around dumped in a pan and baked for 40 minutes.