If you ignore the southern most province of the Netherlands (Limburg), the next highest point is only 110 meters. Beating all other numbers on the map. And the hill in Limburg that does set the height to 322, is the hill on which the German, Belgian, and Dutch borders meet.
Do those count as Europe? I mean, technically the Netherlands has a mountain of 887 meters high, it's just located in the Caribbean.
Nah. This is different. This is a train with many more points of failure. If any part of a conveyorbelt stops, the whole belt has to halt. And if they use self driving trucks, a failure in any one of the trucks can still cause a traffic jam.
Point 1 has to be chosen when the cat is young. Forcing an outside cat to suddenly only be inside often doesn't work.
I adopted a 7-year-old cat from the shelter, and after a week of having to be inside all the time, he got more and more frustrated. After a week and a half, he escaped during the night. In the morning, while I was panicking, he came strolling in as if nothing was wrong.
Since he apparently comes back, I allowed him outside from then on. Since that moment, his behaviour inside has improved a lot. No more random play attacks on my ankles and hands, and generally much calmer.
He has also come back home with mice several times. He always eats them. So I think he is very used to living outside. Maybe been a stray, or a farm cat.
Forcing him to be inside would feel cruel.
The worst thing is: you can't even put an int in a json file. Only doubles. For most people that is fine, since a double can function as a 32 bit int. But not when you are using 64 bit identifiers or timestamps.
Where I live, the places that do blood donations, also do plasma donations. The process is longer, but is otherwise a similar experience. And since plasma is extracted from blood, it is not entirely wrong to argue that people can get paid for blood donations in the US. It is not accurate, but I would argue the statement is probably based on a truth.
Omdat het niet gaat om de bedrijven die al lang en breed graag willen dat je pint. Die bedrijven werken al samen om cashless mogelijk te maken via acties zoals "Klein bedrag? Pinnen mag!". Juist de laatste overgebleven bedrijven waar je niet kan pinnen, maken het soms onmogelijk om cashless te gaan.
Vrijwillige omgang naar electronische betaalmiddelen is al extreem hoog. Maar blijkbaar heeft dat geen invloed op deze bedrijven. Als je cashless toch mogelijk wilt maken, zul je de laatste paar bedrijven somehow moeten forceren. Alleen de overheid kan dat.
In welke mate dat een slim idee is, en niet gewoon een opwelling van iemand die uit frustratie maar wat tiept in een anonieme online comment, is een andere discussie.
Our group played this system for a short bit. We loved the social combat system and the pooled resources. A good DM can absolutely make it feel like a Star Trek episode. Our problem with the system, is that you have to play the lawfull good guys for it to work well; just like a Star Trek episode. Our group likes to play morally grey.
Daring today, aren't we?
Het is tegenwoordig al mogelijk om een mobietje om te toveren tot een pin apparaat. En tikkie achtigen betaal verzoekjes zijn ook gewoon een ding. Dus ik ben het helemaal met je eens dat dit gewoon kan tegenwoordig.
Sounds like hot business!
The only reason the Netherlands has that high a number, is because of the hill on which the Dutch, German, and Belgian borders meet. If you take Limburg out of the equation, the next highest point is 110 meters.
In two of the Dutch provinces, the highest point is a garbage dump hill.