
joined 2 years ago
[–] Rednax 1 points 2 months ago

Of myself of the now dead purpetrator?

[–] Rednax 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

In a single day, I can't worry at the same time about LGTBQ rights, palestinians, Ukranians, animal abuse, 100000 diseases that need research, racism, facism, basic needs for the third world, police brutality, the state of democracy, a migration crisis, climate change, polution, and many many many more things.

It is just too much to handle. So when faced with the horrors of the world for the bazzilionth time a day, I just can't bring myself to care anymore. If I did, I would be in constant stress about everything that is going wrong with the world. Instead, I throw away the booklets I get from the charities I donate monthly to, I tell the collector at the door I can't spare any money for children in Palestine, and I scroll past the post about how many children were raped in Ukraine today. Hence, I will come across as apathatic.

But that apathy is a survival mechanic, since without it, I would go insane.

[–] Rednax 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There is also an art to keeping it short. No need to sit at a table for 5 hours. After an hour you should know if you want to go do something together.

[–] Rednax 24 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Allow me to translate:

Top left is a thermal cycler. Basically it heats and cools samples at a given rate. This is primarily used for magic. Top right is the fancier version of this, it is for qMagic, so it can do the heating and cooling and has a magic detector for magic components that reacts to magic happening so you can quantify approximately how much magic is going on in the beige box.

Bottom right is a luminex. This uses detection of magic signals to measure magic.

Bottom left is the beige box where magic happens.

[–] Rednax 2 points 2 months ago

I doubt they do mich different than you do with their OS.

People are more motivated by feelings than actual logic. The person you are responding to even states that Ubuntu "feels good to use". That is some car advertisement level of feeling based reasoning.

Another thing is that people really hate it when things change. Especially a UI change. Every change in the Windows UI has been met with disgust. And if there is one thing different between linux distros, it's where they place all the buttons, menus, etc. So people prefer to stay with the distro they know.

[–] Rednax 1 points 2 months ago

There are a lot of sports that require you to learn how to use your body differently, or to quickly evaluate something. In counterstrike you need to learn spray patterns, in tennis you need to learn ball physics. In LoL you need to learn the timing of your abilities, in dancing you need to learn the timing of your moves.

[–] Rednax 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You dance really well for a slow dance partner.

[–] Rednax 1 points 2 months ago

There are lots of fish in the pond, so I'm gonna go fishing.

[–] Rednax 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Or you play a system that has build a world where the age of exploration, king Arthur, the Russian revolution, the hanseatic league, the itialian city states, the spanish inquisition, and much more are all happening at the same time.

7th Sea has some wacky world building, but it stays realistic enough to be quite believable and coherent.

[–] Rednax 2 points 2 months ago

And they both claim they did not yet have any treats today.

[–] Rednax 10 points 3 months ago

Also very relevant is the missiles in use. Those certainly are not from the 70s.

[–] Rednax 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

My brain was wondering how a video of only 0.2 seconds would work. Can you even say an entire word in that time? And how is that enough to explain all of Super Mario Bros. 3 TAS?

I was kind of disappointed to see the video lenght makes sense, and my brain was just not awake yet.

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