
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

SmartStatistician684: The best feeling for me is turning it off 😅

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

SimpleHawk4321: My team getting wiped in a team fight and I swoop in as Mercy to resurrect all 5 of them. Nothing beats it 😊

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

cobanat: When your team and the enemy team stop fighting and just have a goofy ahh time together

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

boostedmoth: My IGN on my alt is “TaylorSwift” and people get so pressed and get so toxic and then they lose lol it’s hilarious.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Sad-Professor-5270: Reading an enemy ult and shutting it down instantly. Like blocking a rein shatter. Sleeping a reaper blossom.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Burning-Sushi: Zens volley headshot only

#Ding Ding Ding Ding

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

zacaholic: Popping off on DPS. I know it sounds stupid, but I have almost all my time on supports, so when I play a dps and do really well, I get a rush from it. I love playing Ashe and Sombra.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Alexandratta: ...Do you tell him or do you just put the TP magically behind him, with no comms or ping, and expect him to stop every attempt he's making to survive, and use your TP?

Because TP requires Comms, or maybe a Ping can help, but mostly Comms to be most effective.

There are times where you don't need comms, because it's such a well-known strat that everyone is just well versed to know: "Oh, Sym's TPing over Hotel to bring the whole team past choke, cool."

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Trotim-: I’d use it if it gave me some overhealth

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

MacEifer: Funny you should ask. At some stage my teleporter key got unbound and whatever I do, I cannot get it re-bound in the client and I don't care enough to contact CS.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

whatevertoad: This is so true. I took a break from playing sym and then tried my old tricks where teams knew to use it and no one does. I can spam group up and ping the tele, it doesn't matter. I think it's just so many new players and sym isn't played as often, so they're not used to it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Charon711: I started playing OW2 for the first time a month ago after years of playing OW1. I'm not happy at all with Symm after maining her. And her teleporter feels almost useless with how long it lasts now.


Post by: u/Extra-Fig-7425

Every option just goes back to the same screen, i have not tried sideload update yet. Should I try that or tried to get it repair from the vendor? (brought it when it was released, hopefully warranty still ok)


Post by: u/candyboy23


Post by: u/Village_Wide

I've seen many posts like "70% of us not gamers, we're testers". It is well known tendency. While I can't fully relate to this, I have a tendency that i'm not as interested in gaming as I used to be. While it quite normal, I'm willing to be sucked up by a game, but it has become harder.

For me(32y) it is sounds just sad. I started to play since my parents bought me Dreamcast back in 2000 year in Russia. After that, four of my friends and brothers become infected by it and bought Dreamcast. It was wild to play in such console, winter, Siberia, pure magic on your TV, something like Shenmue or Sonic Adventure 2 was captivating like another boundless world. Then I got PC and so on. I won't write my whole gaming history here. Just wanted to add a bit emotions and nostalgia into it.

After that were many games, I ended up with multiplayer ones. With steam deck I've done some cinematic games like Life is strange, stray.. but I'm struggling with solo gaming now.

What keeps you into gaming? Do you have some hacks or approaches to deal with it? I don't want to play in steam store, I would feel myself miserable because of it. It looks like a contemporary form of hoarding. For example, my brother has around 1000+ games, and he doesn't look much happy with it judging from what he says. I don't have something against this, just not my thing.

I have some personal approaches. For solo, I got used to finding something with strong story and many dialogues. Though i don't play much, I like competitive games like Rainbow Six siege or Overwatch. And the reason why i every evening play in steam deck is Moira. Yes Moira character in overwatch, she fits to steam deck gamepad ideally. You needn't much aim but a lot of tactics and there is escape and healing for any moment, very forgivable character that let you be effective and even a bit competitive. And if there was no moira i couldn't imagine what I would play then. Maybe I should get into docking and play via mouse/keyboard. I'm still find it interesting that one particular character keeps me into gaming. I wish there were more games, character like this to me. So, does someone have something like this?

There is also gaming industry that i think became worse because of marketing, buisness wants to interfere with the creative process. Seems like buisness has greater impact than it was back in old days when skill was more valued, it was not just high paid work in IT. I guess those guys were kind of wizards of that time in gamedev. I don't know though.


Post by: u/Lars0ny1

Hi all, is everyone else still having this issue with their headsets?


Post by: u/DevilzSpawnz

It asks you [SWITCH TO CONTROLLERS] -> After you pick up your controllers please continue to the center of your play area and select continue. I do all this but when my controller or finger hovers over the screen or gets near the continue button it just completely Grey's out. How do I fix this?


Post by: u/JFISHER7789

So I’ve got everything on my PC running in WinSCP. I’ve enabled sshd in Konsole on the deck.

However, when I try to connect WinSCP says steamdeck is not a valid hostname.

In Konsole I type hostname and it returns with Bash: hostname: configuration not found

I’m at a loss trying to figure this out…


Post by: u/sunneyjim

Is it possible to downgrade the PC Link app (NOT HEADSET) from v63 to v62, as it breaks an application I use. I am not enrolled in the PTC.


Post by: u/Toastieez

I can think of any way to make my setup better apart from a 4090 and I’m still getting ~50ms latency. I have a wifi 6e router that I play right next to, and a 4080 super, 14700k gaming pc with a wired connection directly to my router.

Any tips to reduce my latency?


Post by: u/Hot_Lawfulness_727

Hi everyone, as you read in the title, to be more specific my drivers are up to date and my connection is 866/MBS per sec, as well as both PC and Quest 3 using the same connection network.

When I play for about 10 minutes or less it disconnects, and pc doesn't just DC normally, the screen goes black and I have to force the power off (using virtual desktop)

I don't know why this started happening 2 months ago, everything was fine until then.


Post by: u/candyboy23


Post by: u/5C0L0P3NDR4


Post by: u/Beautiful_Purpose396

Long story short, I have been using my Quest 3 without any issues for a month, didn't drop it and treated it carefully. After a while I started to notice some issues with tracking in passthrough mode. When I tried to rescan my room to setup guardian it failed multiple times and I switched to manual setup. Next day I turned on my Quest 3 and got a black screen with permanent Tracking Lost error. I tried all methods to fix it and nothing helped. After I did a factory reset I'm stuck on the controller pairing screen with no tracking and no ability to connect controllers.

You don't hear about this problem often because Meta is quickly replacing these units, unfortunately they don't provide any warranties in my country so I'm stuck with this unit on my own.

I decided to disassemble Quest 3 and I found out that there is some oxidation, corrosion and burnout on a few pins of the depth sensor connector, this sensor is just a vcsel laser dot projecto located in the front of the headset in the middle between cameras. Due to its location under the air intake and in close proximity to the face and mouth, it can accumulate moisture/condensation from breathing, leading to connector corrosion and ultimately permanent damage.

I did a full teardown of the headset and didn't find any other traces of corrosion or moisture anywhere else. Turns out the only damage was on that connector of the depth sensor.

I decided to assemble it without the depth sensor and unfortunately Quest 3 still has no tracking. I suspect that this is because I removed the depth sensor and it just locks itself into a loop where it tries to startup cameras.

Software update can theoretically fix this issue if Meta realizes that they need to skip depth sensor checkout in the initial setup, it's really not needed for tracking as cameras can do SLAM without it. Just add an optional check for presence of a depth sensor, if Quest 3 does not find it because it is broken or disconnected, then just skip it and cameras will be able to work normally. Depth sensor is only used for guardian scanning (and for mixed reality), but this step can be done manually like in Quest 2 and Quest Pro. This is such a simple software fix that can get my (and maybe many more in the future) Quest 3 back to work. I did a few more tests and realized that if you disconnect proximity sensor the Quest 3 actually freezes on the Meta logo and goes into bootloop. Why do this? Isn’t it more logical to simply notify the user about a malfunction of the proximity sensor and put the displays in permanent on mode? The user will be able to turn off displays by putting Quest 3 into a sleep mode with a power button. The same issue when Quest 3 notices that there is no depth sensor, the entire tracking system freezes and the cameras can't turn on and the tracking stalls, moreover, it also blocks the connection to the controllers.

Please make changes to the software. It's unacceptable for the Quest 3 to just stall like that, users can read, just give them an error that something is not working as you did with the cooling fan.

As for a hardware fix, please Meta add a simple foam padding around the fpc connectors of the depth sensor, this will prevent any moisture accumulation inside. Smartphone manufacturers have been doing this for over dacade now.

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