
joined 11 months ago
[โ€“] Reddfugee42 3 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

You're conflating the ability to live without suffering with the right to live without suffering. Figure out the difference and then proceed.

Unless you're one of those religious cult weirdos who thinks we "deserve suffering" because of some angry sky wizard.

[โ€“] Reddfugee42 2 points 23 hours ago (4 children)
[โ€“] Reddfugee42 1 points 1 day ago

Everyone knows how famously loved the Afghanistan pull out was and is, especially by right wing voters.

[โ€“] Reddfugee42 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)


[โ€“] Reddfugee42 7 points 1 day ago

Has this ever leaked out in writing or do they have 100% success rate of keeping this a secret?

[โ€“] Reddfugee42 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

What do the consultants do while someone else does the work?

[โ€“] Reddfugee42 13 points 1 day ago (4 children)

If they do a bad enough job they'll create a niche for a competitor to fill.

[โ€“] Reddfugee42 -1 points 1 day ago

Small failure so far but keep at it

[โ€“] Reddfugee42 4 points 1 day ago
[โ€“] Reddfugee42 16 points 1 day ago (2 children)

They track your phone idiot

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