I mean, yeah. That's the level of social and institutional trust we strive for as a society. Money is just a financial tool. Literally all money is fake Monopoly money. It's unfortunate that people try to maximize the amount of money they have instead of maximizing the amount of good they can do.
I'd even argueit's the limits of the concept of language. There's a reason we paint and make music and write stories and tell jokes.
We're compelled to communicate in creative ways because we have so much we want to say that just doesn't seem to fit into words.
This is one of the comics I wouldn't have appreciated as a kit. The story is more meaningful to me now that I can draw parallels between the simplicity of the story and the complexity of my life experiences.
Thank you.
Dang man, kids can be so considerate. It's really sweet.
That's a great point. In order to be media literate you usually need to understand complex relationships between individuals and the social structures they exist in.
I think you're right, but I don't think most people who use Linux care about whether or not it's popular. Popularity is almost entirely irrelevant to the philosophy.
I think women are cool.
Let alone creatively.
You're a big guy.
But yeah I totally agree. I still feel mortal fear in my daily life, especially in dangerous scenarios.
But isn't that what the ultimate high would feel like? In order to look forward to dying you have to be able to look forward to limit experiences and bad trips, which is insane.
I just hope that if I die in a violent accident I'm listening to "Last Surprise" from the Persona 5 soundtrack because I would really appreciate that.
Not everyone can live a "good" life by your definition of good, but they can live a good life by their definition of good.
Current generations realize that what older people are trying to sell them is a scam, and they're working on building a new better reality based on their fresh perspective on what reality is.
You can look at religion through many lenses, but at the end of the day religion is just an unprovable fiction we choose to believe because it's how we want the world to work. My belief that if you want to live a good life you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you is religious. Game theory and my life experiences support my belief, but it is ultimately an unprovable belief because of Hume's Guillotine and the fact that my definition of "good life" is subjective.
It's 100% possible that I'm just tricking myself into thinking helping other people is good and makes me happy, but I will still choose to believe.
Cool! Maybe I can challenge you. Can you help me figure out how I can get my Hyprland session back on my Arch install? I have a Radeon 7700 XT and I recently installed an RTX 4070 to assist with some compute tasks. With both cards installed GDM doesn't populate the Hyprland option. If I remove the 4070 everything goes back to normal.
(This is also a joke, you don't need to help me troubleshoot this.)
(Unless you actually know how in which case I can pay you $20 for your time)