joined 2 years ago
[–] RQG 17 points 2 weeks ago

Und dann macht man im beiden Jobs keine Überstunden und fällt doppelt in die Statistiken.

[–] RQG 2 points 2 weeks ago

OK das ist mega witzig.

[–] RQG 1 points 2 weeks ago

Ja das System ist absichtlich feindselig, da niemand die ganzen Therapiekosten stemmen will. Daher gibt es nicht genug Kassensitze für Therapeuten.

Gerade wenn man eh verzweifelt ist, ist es nicht gut wenn man nur Rückschläge erlebt.

[–] RQG 9 points 2 weeks ago

Wenig Bildung. Wenig Zeit. Schnellerer Wandel als das Gehirn verstehen kann.

[–] RQG 16 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Toller Artikel.

Ich hab zum Glück nie verstanden, warum sich Hilfe suchen schwach und nicht männlich sein sollte. Das ist ne Krankheit, an der nicht wenige sterben. Bei Krebs kommt doch auch keiner auf die Idee sich den Tumor selbst mit der Hand heraus zu reißen.

Und btw selbst mit viel Hilfe ist es wirklich scheiße hart eine Depression zu besiegen oder in den Griff zu bekommen. Jeder Tag ist ein Kampf in einem oft Monate oder Jahre dauernden Krieg gegen einen Feind, der einen perfekt kennt und weiß, wo man verwundbar ist.

Das zu schaffen mit Hilfe ist mega krass und erfordert Stärke. Ohne ist es nicht selten sogar unmöglich.

Falls es dir mies geht, lass dir von jemandem sagen, der erlebt hat wie es ist sich wertlos oder ganz Gefühlslos zu sein: Es gibt einen Ausweg. Er ist hart aber wenn eh alles scheiße ist, kann man es genauso gut versuchen. Man hat ja eh nix zu verlieren. Hilfe suchen. Beim Hausarzt oder wenn es zu schlimm wird, direkt in die Notaufnahme. Die ist nicht nur für gebrochene Beine. Auch für gebrochene Hoffnung.

[–] RQG 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Wie kann man sich für etwas schämen, was man gar nicht hat?


[–] RQG 17 points 2 weeks ago

Fkin Shakespeare over here. Absolutely amazing.

[–] RQG 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] RQG 15 points 2 weeks ago

Inkompetent, verlogen, intrigant. Zwei davon treffen mindestens zu. Egal wie man es dreht und wendet.

[–] RQG 20 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Da sind so viele Tippfehler in dem Dokument. Da fehlt sicher nur ein a davor.

[–] RQG 16 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Ich denke das Firmen das Fundament des Wohlstands der Wohlhabendsten Leute ist. Dieser Wohlstand wird genutzt damit das auch so bleibt. Diese Einflussnahme geschieht nicht zum Wohl der Allgemeinheit. Es hilft nur den Wohlhabenden selbst. Die Arm Reich Schere wird größer.

[–] RQG 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I mean, look at them.

D&D Characters (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by RQG to c/tabletopminis

Owlbears (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by RQG to c/tabletopminis

Who doesn't like Owlbears? The snowy one is inspired by the dnd movie. The brown one was a partly failed print I had to fix with some green stuff.


My second ever attempt at Object source lighting. The model asked for it and it looks a lot better than the first mini. No airbrush used. Also holy crap this is difficult to take pictures of to make it look like it does in person.

Some more angles


I figured if I add some more goblins and trolls to my RPG minis I can build a goblin army for One Page rules fantasy.


If you look closely there are some parts where the 3D print failed. I got to hide some with green stuff and left the rest. Still decided to paint these and I'm pretty happy with the results. I think sometimes it's important to settle with good enough in this hobby.


Do we even do terrain here? Well I put some minis on it so I am pretty sure this still counts. ;) I finally finished a large chunk of the terrain I had begun a few months ago so I put it on the table to see some possible layouts.

All terrain is crafted from scratch from XPS foam, sand, toothpicks, some bits, tufts and moss. Heavily inspired by Black Magic Craft on YouTube (namely modular ruins, dungeon tiles, pillars, dungeon stackers). The acid pools and spike traps I came up with myself.



I'm posting because I'm a bit bummed out I guess. I began the whole diagnosis process because I wanted clarity of wtf is going on with me. A clear no it's not ADHD would maybe even have been a more satisfying answer than this.

Apparently I either have ADHD and my high intelligence allows me to compensate so much it masks symptoms for the tests. They did two intelligence tests which came out way above average it seems. I hope this doesn't come off as bragging. It really isn't as much of a gift as it may seem.

Or I don't have ADHD but my cognitive function shows some similarities. And I'm also super smart. But somehow I can't put it to use when it comes to my life due to issues with emotional regulation and tolerance for frustration which I don't have much off.

How this affects my life is I can't focus or do things I don't find interesting at all. Same with things that don't offer anything new to me. Being intelligent means I understand and figure out new things super quickly. But that means I get bored quicker and then struggle to do the thing. So I hopped jobs, surprise everyone how crazy good I am at the job and what a fast learner I am and whatnot. Then I hop job to the next. It never amounts to anything. And I got burnout or boreout. Depression. All that fun stuff.

Buf They can't tell for sure which one it is by the metrics they use. Which just is so unsatisfying after it took to long.

The good news is the result still qualifies me for trying out meds should I decide to do so. Same for getting therapy paid for by insurance. It's nice to have options so I'm happy for that.

Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations.

Time to Troll (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago by RQG to c/tabletopminis

Slap chopped a troll and added some highlights with regular acrylics. Super fun to paint this way sometimes imo.

More pics:


With the question for smaller solo games already posted I want to ask if any of you got some large and deep solo games. I'm usually someone who does enjoy longer, bigger and deeper games (not saying small games can't be deep). But when things get more involved and complex, that's where I feel at home.

Any recommendations?


more pics

and some more

Quick and dirty paint job in time for Thursday night Pathfinder game. Printed on Mars3. Sculpts by Artisan Guild.

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