
joined 2 years ago
[–] QuaternionsRock 1 points 9 months ago

Just so you know, you may get fucked financially if your wife dies (or vice versa). I would look into it.

[–] QuaternionsRock 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

You’re not wrong, but it took a while to figure out how to eliminate proof-of-work entirely. The only reason I’m not giving a year is I’m not sure who was first.

Aside from that, integrated economic regulation isn’t a particularly “flashy” area of research, nor is it lucrative, so naturally it will progress more slowly. That doesn’t mean anything about the possibility or practicality of it, though.

[–] QuaternionsRock 2 points 9 months ago

On, yeah, no argument from me there. I thought you meant those things aren’t feasible, not that they aren’t the primary use case.

[–] QuaternionsRock 9 points 9 months ago (4 children)

But the issue of laissez-faire capitalism persists, and crypto, in my opinion, is poorly equipped to deal with it

I mean, proof-of-stake protocols didn’t exist until 2012, and that was a hybrid protocol. Exclusively proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies weren’t available until long after that IIRC. There’s a lot we still don’t know about what blockchains are capable of, and it’s entirely possible that we figure out how to regulate them effectively.

But you point still stands;

And that is why it shouldn't suddenly become the main means for payments.

I agree wholeheartedly.

[–] QuaternionsRock 3 points 9 months ago (5 children)

…did you respond to the wrong comment? Cryptocurrency is available from wherever you are - that’s more of a core feature than wishful thinking.

[–] QuaternionsRock 11 points 9 months ago (1 children)

It’s a straw man because the meme references the entire body positivity movement (on Twitter), while the statement it refutes is only argued by a select few.

[–] QuaternionsRock 15 points 9 months ago

That’s not what I got from the article. (Link for anyone who wants to check it out.)

My interpretation was that decreasing solar/wind electricity prices slows the adoption of renewables, as it becomes increasingly unlikely that you will fully recoup your initial investment over the lifetime of the panel/turbine.

In my mind, this will likely lead to either (a) renewable energy being (nearly) free to use and exclusively state-funded, or (b) state-regulated price fixing of renewable energy.

[–] QuaternionsRock 2 points 9 months ago

Wait up, I just checked and you’re technically right - PTFE is definitely a PFAS. Dunno if it’s dangerous or frequently breaks down into dangerous PFAS, but FWIW I’ve long suspected that nonstick pans can’t be good for you. I’ve never seen a nonstick pan that doesn’t have a single scratch in anyone’s kitchen before.

You could probably stand to improve the clarity of your arguments though haha

People like you fucking disgust me. Either you're willfully ignorant or maliciously so. Both are equally pathetic.

Not gonna get very far talking to people like that. Lucky for you I empathize with your intentions,

[–] QuaternionsRock 2 points 9 months ago (2 children)

You haven’t shown the half-life of PTFE lol

[–] QuaternionsRock 3 points 9 months ago

It still boggles my mind that C# is as good as it is given where it comes from. Java really fucked up with type erasure and never fully recovered imo.

[–] QuaternionsRock 4 points 9 months ago (1 children)

It’s funny, I’ve had an Android, a Nokia Windows Phone, and an iPhone, and Windows Phone was the only OS in which I didn’t open every single app through search. The utter lack of an app ecosystem definitely played a part, but I honestly don’t think either of the other two handle home screens/“app drawers” very well. Every modern social media platform/messenger/etc. is built around vertical continuous scrolling because it’s easier. Why is horizontal, paginated scrolling the default for home screens?

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