Shady backdoor deal with bounty I bet
Not trying to defend the guy, but in the video you posted he did admit he's not good at making those kinds of videos. He seemed overwhelmed.
Philippines for sure is included in asian sex tourism. Australians can't resist it..
Username checks out.
Reddit changed their upvote algorithm which is why it looks so much lower than it really is.
They covered this years ago..
Aw maannnn not the spruce...
It is real though, it just doesn't fall within what the majority choose to believe.
It's like the word heretic. The same word with the exact same meaning said by 2 opposing parties has 2 distinct outcomes.
I'm using this daily in my life now
And how do you propose they be trained? VR?
That's my thought if this conspiracy were true. It wasn't some evil corporation assassinating the guy, it was one of the menial workers who had more to lose from his testimony.