I fucking love memes about The Thing.
It's also worth pointing out that borderlands on it's own has contributed to the cultural zeitgeist. "Looks like we got a badass" is still a regular quote when bosses appear in games. Every single character has a quotable callout and you can normally spot a BL player and their main by the one they use. Cellshade and rotoscope both has a renaissance after BL2 and cosplay contests regularly have a Moxy or Maya. The best way for Borderlands to keep it's steam is to just be Borderlands, that alone will make the memes.
I wouldn't be shocked to find out age made the design purposely against the printers terms so she could claim this was "wokeness" discriminating against her for her beliefs
I was like warm about the song when I first hears it, but the music video took it straight to my favorites list.
Not gonna lie, if she can take a drone out with that I'd be pretty impressed.
Is there a sold tool for helping to write table top campaigns? I only just found the site and the search bar using Google to index is kind of a mess on mobile so I'm having trouble finding one
That's a great call back lol
I think my wife would call it a mixed bag. On one hand, the house has never been this fireproof, on the other, she's never had to deal with so much fire.
Former roommates have attested that the food definitely weighs in my favor.
OK, but if you closed the blinds the other way, and the bottom was inside the tub, I think this would actually work. At least as well as woven shower curtains do.
Edit: They'd probably be a pain to keep clean, but you'd also be able to rainex them which would let them dry faster then curtains.
Yes, I also understand that the sun rising and setting doesn't stop me from going about my day. Daylight savings doesn't take away the sun, it just let's my boss demand I change what time I wake up by an hour.
What the fuck even is this?