
joined 2 years ago
[–] Pogbom 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I've always dreamed of a world where game demos were mandated by law. Some products can't be tested out easily, but just about any video game really can.

[–] Pogbom 7 points 2 months ago

....I don't think they're playing it for the story

[–] Pogbom 1 points 2 months ago

Man those invisalign really work wonders

[–] Pogbom 22 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Ehh I dunno... I don't agree with him but we don't have to preface our opinions with "this is just how I feel, but...".

If I say "this pizza is horrible", it's clear that it's just something I think and not everyone has to share that opinion. The subjectivity of the statement kinda speaks for itself y'know?

[–] Pogbom 31 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I feel like that's a very gradual gradient. Is it only when Christmas is a fundamental part of the story?

For example your comment makes me think of the "Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie" people, but it would have been a completely different movie if not for the office Christmas party.

[–] Pogbom 4 points 3 months ago (8 children)

Also tomatoes are fruits so suck it Italy

[–] Pogbom 13 points 5 months ago (2 children)

If you look at it as dollars per time spent, it'll probably be far better value than the majority of games you could get cheaper. Assuming you like it of course (but if you think you will, you probably will).

[–] Pogbom 6 points 5 months ago

Seriously, this is just all the people that never watched women's sports anyways lol

[–] Pogbom 2 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

I think everyone is arguing different points here. The first comment spoke about the gender pay gap, which is not restricted to same job/same experience. It also considers that positions that are typically filled by women (care, nursing, teaching, etc) are systematically underpaid, which is also a perfectly valid way to define a gender wage gap.

But for some reason you responded by singling out the same job/same experience data, then told the first guy to educate himself.

Everyone here is saying the gender wage gap very much exists in general in Europe, and you're singling out one smaller data point where it doesn't.

[–] Pogbom 22 points 6 months ago

Yes, in that it's a motive for locos

[–] Pogbom 7 points 6 months ago

Eye Bulger 2: The Skin Stretchening

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Pogbom to c/homeimprovement


It looks like the builders never installed J-channels around the windows, and we've noticed some water coming into the house through the window frame during heavy rain and wind. The internet tells me it's possible to slide some J-channel under the existing siding but I can only find videos on doing it before the siding goes on.

Any help would be appreciated :)

Edit 1: this only happened one during a very intense rain, not all the time.

Edit: Figured I'd update in case it can help anyone. I got in touch with someone to come take a look, and it turns out these windows have built-in J-channels so that wasn't the issue at all.

The problem was where the house wrap actually went behind the window, making that J-channel useless basically. While it was still taped across, that's really the only place water could have come in so there must have been a gap in the seal. So he sliced the wrap, inserted another barrier under it and layered it so that water could never get behind it again.

Also confirmed no water damage/stains around the windows so it's likely all the water that came in was caught inside by our towels.


You can hear the flush in the beginning, and a few seconds later a loud knock under the sink area. If I understand, water hammer is from the incoming water stopping suddenly and moving the pipes, but this is definitely elsewhere along the outflow.

Worth mentioning this only happens with solid waste and liquid doesn't do it. Kinda sounds like the outflow pipes are knocking against something when there's bulk in there.

Does this sound kind something to be remedied? Thanks for your help!


It's completely loose (can move a few inches up and down) and rattles on the muffler while driving. Easy fix for a noob, or should I take it in? And uh... how urgently? 😂


Feel free to roast me if this is idiotic. Thank you!


They've got 98,000 KM (60,894 miles) on them and I figure this was pretty much my last summer on these anyways. Time for a new set? Thank you!


Hi all,

I accidentally bumped into this charger and now the bottom prong in this picture can wiggle left to right (relative to this angle). I wanna say it moved about 10° from its original position and you can see the bunched up plastic from where it moved.

I bent it back into position and it's still very stiff... just wondering if it's still safe to use.

Thanks for your help!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Pogbom to c/oldtv

One of my absolute favourite shows from my childhood, sadly cancelled after 13 episodes. There have been rumours of a reboot but nothing confirmed for a while.

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