Why would belive in narratives told by mortals who still age?
That was funny!
Hate the game, not the players. If we eat them, others will substitute them. We need legal changes just like we had for abolishing formal human slavery
I was addicted on meat and cheese too. I do jot miss it at al now.
We have godlike power on this planet. If we abuse power without necessity over less capable animals, we do deserve a chaotic reality, dont,
Lack of common public planning has consequences
"Sorry madam, but, you know... god is always correct and if people do not think so they will riot"
Reddits surrender to capital reminds Matrix with agent Smith becoming everything and everyone despite Neo.
Agreed. But with psi-op is very difficult detecting what is advertisement or not. Sometimes they may just want manipulate our mood
Conservative utopia
Religion is a narrative. People do not create or develop critical thinking with it.
If individuais imagined best possible world/universe(Kant), socialism would become inevitable. Humans organizated on common goals
We are no better than them if we keep eating meat and using products which origin is power abuse over less powerful animals. Rich conservatives may argue they are doing with us just what we make with others
While they get new minions for paying their bill...