That's kinda my take, too. I'm in an area of the States that is pretty non-Christian, but pastors who visit the area find that the Christians who are here are more "real." The complaint they often have is that Christians in other parts of the country think that being a Christian is just a part of an identity, like cultural heritage or your sports team.
Overall America has become divided over the years. Experts have various theories as to why (experts splitting into even MORE factions). And, of course, humans like to bend scripture to suit our needs (I realize I'm no different). So, yeah, you got yourself a "holy war" of sorts.
FWIW, you're doing awesome. You're valuable and you have a lot to offer the world. Please keep going.
I'm in the exact same boat. In my 30's, but if you need a friend to talk to, a kindred spirit, please feel free to reach out to me. I'm looking for new friends, too. Everyone I know is too neuronormal. ๐