Discussion about Christianity by Christians and those who are curious.
Rule #1. Anti-Christian and anti-Bible statements will not be tolerated. Constructive criticism of Christianity is OK, however.
Rule #1.1. The measure for what is considered Christian, as has been the case in the faith since the earliest days, will be the faith proclaimed in the Nicene Creed.
I prefer messiahs that don’t get crucified and killed, such beta behavior.
Ive said it before I'll say it again, trump is the very definition of the anti Christ of you believe in that sort of thing.
Nah, Trump’s a useful idiot. King Charles is more fitting.
This is some leopards ate my face shit right here. You instructed your congregations to vote for Trump and now the congregations have elevated Trump above your fictitious god. Hilarious if it weren’t so dangerous.
This is saddening but not surprising. It seems like parts of the US have been in a state for a while where they have a somewhat "christian" culture, but have lost sight of the gospel. I'm not in the US though, and it's hard to judge the precise causes from the outside.
That's kinda my take, too. I'm in an area of the States that is pretty non-Christian, but pastors who visit the area find that the Christians who are here are more "real." The complaint they often have is that Christians in other parts of the country think that being a Christian is just a part of an identity, like cultural heritage or your sports team.
Overall America has become divided over the years. Experts have various theories as to why (experts splitting into even MORE factions). And, of course, humans like to bend scripture to suit our needs (I realize I'm no different). So, yeah, you got yourself a "holy war" of sorts.
> Trump-hating people also deride Jesus' teachings
Worst whatabout ever