
joined 2 years ago
[–] PillowTalk420 1 points 18 hours ago

I only notice that the bigger the resolution, the smaller the text when the game in question has poor scaling options for the 2D elements..

[–] PillowTalk420 3 points 20 hours ago

Only if the area is saturated with bottoms. If it's saturated with tops, trying being the one getting ploughed.

[–] PillowTalk420 10 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

This is more an example of reverse psychology, than it is of gaslighting. Also I hella wish you could do shit like this in a video game that wasn't just human vs human. There's no psychological warfare when your opponent has no psyche. 😮‍💨

[–] PillowTalk420 3 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.

Fry them, scalloped, julienned too.

[–] PillowTalk420 6 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

They'll think you're cool if you flip them the bird. 😎

[–] PillowTalk420 9 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (1 children)

I've never been middle class as an adult. I believe I am what's known as is "dirt fucking poor."

[–] PillowTalk420 5 points 20 hours ago

Insane motherfuckers: "Pour the acetone in my mouth!"

[–] PillowTalk420 3 points 20 hours ago

Well yeah. They'd be killing people. 🤷🏻‍♂️ ^/s^

[–] PillowTalk420 3 points 20 hours ago

They basically want to kill me

Just remove the word basically and it will have been at least one accurate statement I've seen him make.

[–] PillowTalk420 14 points 20 hours ago

Having been a relay operator for a few years, this is true even in English. You might be able to guess what someone is saying (and the floor managers always encouraged trying to) but you'll never have 100% accuracy and it's far less confusing to the person getting the "translation" if you don't have to make any corrections by actually waiting for the person to finish their sentence.

[–] PillowTalk420 3 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

I dunno about an accent, but if you go to the right planet, you could talk out of Uranus.

[–] PillowTalk420 27 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (2 children)

Let's pretend that society is collapsing and then, when they're all locked in their bunkers, we cement them in and go about fixing the world.


Wander! What happen?! I don't have any way of getting into contact with anyone in charge of the instance (until y'all approve my mastodon account anyway). Sometimes I get a database error when trying to open the site and I'm kinda worried. 😥


I am so hyped for this. Look at all the new shit! Havel's back! You can do kung fu! What's up with the dual wielded throwing knives? Weird monsters! New locations! And possibly a new boss to rival Malania! 🤯


I got a Quest 3 recently after having to give up my Quest 2 a year ago and I'm noticing that VD is using a lot of CPU power even when it's not actually doing anything. Is it encoding stuff even when there's nothing to send it to or what?

I always have to close it when doing flat space stuff because it causes some slow down in games that already don't run great (like arma 3).


I was generous and built them a barn so they could sleep indoors but I noticed most of them never go through doors (probably cuz they're too big or I need stairs at the foundation) and just sleep outside on the ground. They're not gonna get pissed after a while are they?


Lemme see your transcripts, Doc. I ain't trusting my life to anything less than an A+, honor roll student.


I was talking about bg3 and how a certain part could be changed to be much darker, and it occurred to me that it possibly could affect the rating of the game if they did (being vague purposely to avoid spoilers). But then I wondered "do things like that even have to be reviewed by the rating boards?" Because Larian has made a lot of changes like that to the game and I imagine it would be pretty ludicrous to have each and every one be reviewed to see if it fits within the current ESRB and PEGI ratings of the game.


Just randomly started thinking about the first time in the original Sims game how I made a gay couple by making 2 polar opposites male sims, sticking them in a house they couldn't leave together and just making them flirt until they woohoo'd.

One was a big tough jock and the other a wimpy Poindexter nerdy boy. After they woohoo'd, the jock cheered and the nerd cried.


From my secondary account so those who may have already blocked me can see because fuck you.


So I saw this new option that would put suggestions into my already made playlists. I tried it; didn't like it because it kept mixing my normal music with my sleep music. I turned off the setting, but it still keeps blending suggestions into my playlists.

How the hell do I stop it? 😩


So I was talking to the Githyanki queen, but something didn't sit right with me. She asked me to do something I'm pretty sure is bad, and she is seemingly communicating through a hologram or something. So I said "you're a god. You do it." And then pressed further, thinking it was a deception.

Nope. I got literally wished out of existence by an angry god. Lmao


Only I and Lae'zel dont have darkvision, but I can cast Light. However, when I cast on myself nothing happens. When I cast on Lae'zel, she lights up the area. What gives?


With how old school this game does some shit, and how I've been dicking about I am slightly worried I will hit a hidden time limit, like in Fallout 1 before I even attempt to dive into the main quest. I'm not just gonna turn squidy all of sudden and end my game if I take too long, am I?

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