Imo too high power consumption for 24/7 operation so I wouldn't use it that way. If I only had this machine to work with, i'd probably use it as a media server or NAS but turn it on only as needed. Wake on LAN to turn it on and configure it to auto turn off.
My google history hits for powershell for loop is is in the dozens.
Don't worry, we have other afflictions here which we can not cure and only bottle up. Depression, be my mistress tonight.
Ahh, sorry, I assumed living in 1st world country where there are medical procedures to remove them (one of the most common procedures in medicine). The procedure is free where I live.
Good thing we invented glasses.
His own class is going to betray him because he is the dumbest motherfucker alive. Republicans wont give a shit what he does with social policy but when he starts meddling in the economy and big business suffers, when their profits suffer, they get pissed. Conspiracy theory territory: if there is a super high secret gang of open market supporting puppeteers, they probably arent too happy with trump.
What exactly does the US produce that is imported into the EU? Consumer market, of course, where one person has choice in the matter.
Not op, and any Marxist feel free to step in, but 100% tax is technically communism. And I mean full final stage communism where money no longer exists. If income is taxed at 100%, then money no longer needs to exist since.. well you never really see it. The tax is spent on everything. You work if you can and everything that can be, is provided for you. Purely from an economic point of view. This is though an ideal and something that would need to be worked towards over long periods of time.
Crazy. When I made an account in 2008, peak concurrent was around 1-2 million if I recall. A different time full of hats.
Shoutout to a great top down racing game on deck: Circuit Superstars. Simple, cute, clean presentation. All racing, no fluff. Also, 4 player split screen! I will have to give art of rally a try too.
In fact, you should delete the terminal altogether. On a related note, powershell access is considered taboo in corporate environments by IT departments. When security audits are done, you lose a point if powershell can be used. It is in fact considered a hacking tool.
Tony hawk again? I remember I used THPS 3 or 4 to mod my og Xbox last year since you could run code thought loading a save game through it.