I've always felt more could be done with components. Perhaps a small mechanical advantage for deliberately seeking out prime, pure, or fresh examples of the listed component. But then it's hard to stop it turning into a lot of "I take my list around town to see if anyone's selling anything", "I take my list into the woods to see if anything's growing", etc.
joined 2 years ago
I like the idea that the rogue maybe stashed a spare foot in the wheelchair for the monk to use.
Anyone got a good tutorial to share for folks who want to jump?
I'm a terrible shuffler. For a tall stack I split into two or three, shuffle each, then split and merge.
A few off the top of my blogroll at the moment:
Also a chance to shamelessly promote my intermittently updated blog.
I've never heard of 'Panic at the Dojo' but now I need to check it out based on name alone.
I've always been a little leery of xps foam. Looking at your stone ruins makes me want to give it a go.
I made something a lot like this as a young teen, noodling around with tabletop and RPGs. I wish I'd kept it.
Good article, and I love your little sketch illustrations.
I forgot my cleric could turn undead once.