They will, but under the guise of a false flag to state that Ukraine broke the ceasefire first.
I like it, but wouldn't it only be relevant for the model s(s)?
If you've ever posted something you've made online, there's a high chance it's on Pinterest. I uploaded some art I made to Reddit, two weeks later I found it on Pinterest, where the image was hosted on some Turkish site.
Or Letterkenny?
Sounds exactly like HP.
My nephew, who's 22, is having a kid. It was planned with his girlfriend. I was shocked when I heard.
This was in Norway! I was fucking flabbergasted when it happened!
The story about my personal laptop was in Australia.
It's like when the a Norwegian politician was asked why cannabis is illegal, and if it could ever be legalized. His answer: "Cannabis is illegal, because the law says so, and cannot be changed".
What a fucking dumbass.
I used to work in a large oil company for a decade. Around 2018, everyone got new HP laptops with touch screen. We're talking 20.000 permanent employees, and more than 40.000 externals (externals did not get a laptop). After a couple of weeks, people started complaining about the fan making a lot of noise.
After HP checked the laptops, it turned out that the fan was not powerful enough. Their solution? Limit the CPU speed. And my company just agreed. Fuck that noise!!!
I already started boicotting them in 2009, when i purchased a computer, which had an S-video. But it didn't work. Went to the store that sold it, they told me to contact HP. I did, and they just told me that it was a error on the entire laptop series, and that I should've known about it before I purchased the laptop.
Go fuck yourself, HP!
How in the fuck is HP still alive? The company should crash and burn.
Swasticar is my preferred name. And being a dumbass, I bought one a few years ago 🤦
I'm on season 11, and then I'll start on Shoresy, the spin-off!