Even if you dont care about the man behind it, just buy a Analogue Pocket for $25 more or an FPGA for half the price. Both are way better than this crap
Fwiw - I have both an LG C2 and a newer Samsung QLED. Neither have ever been connected to the internet, never pester me to connect, and the both turn on right to to my Apple TV
My LG C2 which has never been connected to wifi starts up in maybe 3s. Boots right into my Applw TV and I never have to see LGs software
Ratgdo for my garage door (https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/). So simple but it works so well. Blows MyQ and OpenGarage out of the water
An Analogue Pocket is $20 more and an FPGBC is half the price. Ignore this garbage.
Feels like Apples already giving up on the Vision Pro, not sure Android should even put resources into this
For me Nocturn is worse but still decent. The animation doesnt feel as good and the characters are pretty meh. Im hoping the return of Alucard will remedy that.
Maybe Echos of Wisdom? Maybe UFO 50. Feels like a pretty weak year for new games
My personal setup for 4 rooms worth of speakers is a rpi with a Hifiberry hat running debian with Mopidy. I use the Iris plugin for a front end and i mount my music directory via cifs on each pi
If you need a lightweight pdf viewer with no frills, muPdf on Fdroid is perfectly cromulent
Pixel Tablet 3: The search for the pixel table 2
I really liked it for retro gaming but the screen, size, and weight werent ideal for me. I ended up getting the Odin Mini (2?) and its perfect. Handles some Wii U games flawlessly