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[–] OccamsTeapot 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

But it says nothing about methods of attack?

Edit: The article suggests they are air strikes: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/9/25/mapping-10000-cross-border-attacks-between-israel-and-lebanon

Happy to see a source if I'm wrong!

[–] OccamsTeapot 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Lol what? Where did you get that?

[–] OccamsTeapot 6 points 3 days ago (4 children)
[–] OccamsTeapot 5 points 3 days ago

Not silly at all. It's a great quote and an important lesson for life

[–] OccamsTeapot 1 points 3 days ago

Uh huh. So no defense of what's happening, just "that's the way it is." Well great. No problem then

[–] OccamsTeapot 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

So because Iran and Israel have nukes, Israel can't directly fight their enemy, and that means they have to keep playing whack a mole with proxies, like, forever? All while the "collateral damage" and "accidents" are mounting and more and more innocent people die?

There will always be new "moles" popping up, eliminating Hamas creates Hamas 2 and even if you somehow eliminate Hezbollah there will be Hezbollah 2: maximum bollah. Then you will have to fight them and there will be more whoopsies and more kids end up in bodybags. And then I hope you're ready because since we're not fighting the actual enemy but we successfully stopped Hamas 2, guess what we have now?

Seriously. The only result of this is death and the most likely people to die are innocent Palestinian, Lebanese and Israeli citizens.

[–] OccamsTeapot 2 points 4 days ago (4 children)

I think Iran should stop funding terrorists.

They won't. So yet again, do you think Israel should go to war with Iran? Why waste time fighting proxies?

[–] OccamsTeapot 4 points 5 days ago

Ah I see. Usually I'm not in favour of the sarcasm tag (ruins the joke) but it would have really helped here, lol.

[–] OccamsTeapot 12 points 5 days ago (1 children)

You don't need to be on Russia's payroll to spew pro-Putin talking points

You know, if criticizing killing is a "pro-Putin talking point," then pro Putin talking points clearly aren't always bad? Should I be in favour of murder to really show how much I hate Putin? Literally what the fuck are you talking about

I agree with Putin that the sky is blue too. I'm expecting my rubles in the mail any day now.

[–] OccamsTeapot 25 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Putin is a cunt and Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine must be stopped.

If I was on Russia's payroll that should be enough to get me arrested or at least fired.

So either I'm risking my safety OOOOORRRR not everyone opposed to Biden's support for Israel is a Russian bot. Golly gosh I wonder which one it is

[–] OccamsTeapot 30 points 5 days ago (15 children)
[–] OccamsTeapot 6 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (6 children)

So do you think Israel should go to war with Iran? Or are you happy with innocent Palestinians and Lebanese paying the price instead?

But I will say, when Israel does something, the blame lies with Israel. The blood of the dead is on Israel's hands and it will never wash off.


You fasten all the triggers

For the others to fire

Then you sit back and watch

While the death count gets higher

You hide in your mansion

While the young people's blood

Flows out of their bodies

And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear

That can ever be hurled

Fear to bring children

Into the world

For threatenin my baby

Unborn and unnamed

You ain't worth the blood

That runs in your veins


Archive: http://archive.today/Zm9yl

One bright day in April 1956, Moshe Dayan, the one-eyed chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), drove south to Nahal Oz, a recently established kibbutz near the border of the Gaza Strip. Dayan came to attend the funeral of 21-year-old Roi Rotberg, who had been murdered the previous morning by Palestinians while he was patrolling the fields on horseback. The killers dragged Rotberg’s body to the other side of the border, where it was found mutilated, its eyes poked out. The result was nationwide shock and agony.

If Dayan had been speaking in modern-day Israel, he would have used his eulogy largely to blast the horrible cruelty of Rotberg’s killers. But as framed in the 1950s, his speech was remarkably sympathetic toward the perpetrators. “Let us not cast blame on the murderers,’’ Dayan said. “For eight years, they have been sitting in the refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we have been transforming the lands and the villages where they and their fathers dwelt into our estate.” Dayan was alluding to the nakba, Arabic for “catastrophe,” when the majority of Palestinian Arabs were driven into exile by Israel’s victory in the 1948 war of independence. Many were forcibly relocated to Gaza, including residents of communities that eventually became Jewish towns and villages along the border.

Dayan was hardly a supporter of the Palestinian cause. In 1950, after the hostilities had ended, he organized the displacement of the remaining Palestinian community in the border town of Al-Majdal, now the Israeli city of Ashkelon. Still, Dayan realized what many Jewish Israelis refuse to accept: Palestinians would never forget the nakba or stop dreaming of returning to their homes. “Let us not be deterred from seeing the loathing that is inflaming and filling the lives of hundreds of thousands of Arabs living around us,’’ Dayan declared in his eulogy. “This is our life’s choice—to be prepared and armed, strong and determined, lest the sword be stricken from our fist and our lives cut down.’’

On October 7, 2023, Dayan’s age-old warning materialized in the bloodiest way possible.


October 7 was the worst calamity in Israel’s history. It is a national and personal turning point for anyone living in the country or associated with it. Having failed to stop the Hamas attack, the IDF has responded with overwhelming force, killing thousands of Palestinians and razing entire Gazan neighborhoods. But even as pilots drop bombs and commandos flush out Hamas’s tunnels, the Israeli government has not reckoned with the enmity that produced the attack—or what policies might prevent another. Its silence comes at the behest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has refused to lay out a postwar vision or order. Netanyahu has promised to “destroy Hamas,” but beyond military force, he has no strategy for eliminating the group and no clear plan for what would replace it as the de facto government of postwar Gaza.

His failure to strategize is no accident. Nor is it an act of political expediency designed to keep his right-wing coalition together. To live in peace, Israel will have to finally come to terms with the Palestinians, and that is something Netanyahu has opposed throughout his career. He has devoted his tenure as prime minister, the longest in Israeli history, to undermining and sidelining the Palestinian national movement. He has promised his people that they can prosper without peace. He has sold the country on the idea that it can continue to occupy Palestinian lands forever at little domestic or international cost. And even now, in the wake of October 7, he has not changed this message. The only thing Netanyahu has said Israel will do after the war is maintain a “security perimeter” around Gaza—a thinly veiled euphemism for long-term occupation, including a cordon along the border that will eat up a big chunk of scarce Palestinian land.

But Israel can no longer be so blinkered.

Geopolitical rule (lemmy.world)

Step one: acquire container.

Step two: ???

Step three: profit

We've been giving them water in this tupperware all summer but now my bro apparently has his own plans

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