They were (lightly) publicly criticised and privately supported, but yeah, point taken
The thread itself is such a stupid gotcha as well. "Oh if you like Ukraine so much go die in Donetsk!" Lol no bro there is such a huge gulf between "we should help Ukranians fight for their freedom with military equipment/funding" and "I personally will die for Ukraine" that the point doesn't even get off the ground
If someone broke into your home and destroyed all the food, and blockaded you from leaving or anything from getting in, wouldn't it be obvious they were trying to kill you?
So how could this not be an intentional act of genocide? And now we have Trump they will be cheered on if anything
They drink blood I guess.
If you get "detained" for no crime, you have been taken hostage. The media refusing to call them what they are is part of the problem
And these hostages are being tortured:
“I am talking about clubbing, being beaten with rifle butts and being attacked by dogs. There was little to no food, no personal hygiene, no soap inside the cells, no water, no toilet, no toilet paper … I saw people who were dying there … I was beaten so badly I couldn’t use my legs or walk. No day passes without torture.”
The mods of your specific region are responsible for these rules, but it seems it's difficult to keep on top of all of the crime quests, so many of them remain undone. Also most regions' mods allow relationship "activities" once you hit 18 so they won't even register it as a quest.
As always it's best to look out for yourself! These guilds tell other players we need them but usually they don't actually help us that much when we need it.
Good luck with the relationship quest! It's an interesting one, just avoid the players in the cougar class
That's a bad thing though, right? So what difference does it make to this story?
"Yeah but when we write stuff you desperately want to be true you click on it soooo....." - the media, probably
Please understand that I am aware of Gaza's tunnel network
You simply don’t understand the requirements of intent for genocide, dolus specialis.
Maybe. Perhaps you can explain it to me? Why is the genocide scholar whose post I linked wrong, and you right?
A music festival is not a valid military objective. You seem confused about this idea.
I note you didn't comment on the ratio. It was a rhetorical point, you said the 1:3 ratio is good and presumably that this is evidence against genocidal intent. So to continue, the military objectives were the militants killed, unfortunately there was some collateral damage. According to your logic this is a totally legit explanation. I think that is wrong in both cases.
Waking up to a public call for ethnic cleansing. This is going to be a long four years
Yeah I know. "Privately" should probably have been "quietly." Of course you may say it wasn't quiet, sure, but I think the meaning is clear. Telling them off with the right hand while the left is busy dropping more weapons into their lap. Just enough deniability for anyone who insists the democrats do nothing wrong.