
joined 11 months ago
[–] Notorious_handholder 3 points 4 months ago

Honestly Buchanan wasn't a great president, but I don't think it really would have mattered what actions Buchanan could have taken.

By the time he got into office civil war had all but been guaranteed as decades of kicking the can on the issue of slavery, combined with increasing resentment in the divide of the north and south culturally. Had created a powder keg that arguably was lit back during the start of bleeding Kansas years before he even became president.

And with how stubborn the south was on not letting go of slavery, well there really was no diplomatic solution by then. Hence kicking of the can all those years prior. Maybe he could have enacted decisions that delayed the war, but it would have only been a delay.

The only way civil war could have ever been prevented is if the founding fathers had told southerns to pound sand and outlaw slavery back during the signing of the constitution. That or maybe if the cotton gin had been invented a decade later

[–] Notorious_handholder 9 points 4 months ago

Which is why they fail their religion checks when questioned. They are however good at passing deception checks

[–] Notorious_handholder 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Those bards sure are a contemptuous bunch

[–] Notorious_handholder 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

Dude... You're acting like you're a wrench short of a full toolbox. Obviously meant he doesn't care that he personally was circumcised. But he does care enough that he won't do it to his kids.

I.E. He's accepted the fact that what happened was in the past and he can't change it, so no use crying about it especially when it has not effected the use of his member in any negative way. But he can change what happens in the future for his kids by not doing that to them and letting them have a choice when they're older.

If the guy was actually ambivalent he would just go along with continuing to allow his own kids to be circumcised and/or have no opinion of the procedure. Or he would dislike the procedure but allow it to happen anyways because of tradition or something.

Stop being obtuse and ignorant. Though having said that I now feel like you'll come at me with the mathematical definition of obtuse to try and use petty semantics to make yourself feel better

[–] Notorious_handholder 2 points 5 months ago

If you're gonna start shit at least defend your ideas or give a glimpse into your thought process before you punk out like a bitch after getting called out lol

[–] Notorious_handholder 6 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Buddy you're trying to nitpick something that no one cares about that still has the same result. At the end of the day the people will still be eating the cracker in a business zoned church.

Whatever beliefs or arbitrary labels are held behind the gesture do not matter at all to what is being talked about

[–] Notorious_handholder 3 points 5 months ago

Getting drunk at epcot before the fireworks show while getting to eat good food is magical for adult me. I love the food and wine festival. And even as an adult the Star Wars area is still dope

[–] Notorious_handholder 17 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Parts of 2018 and Ragnarok and the ending of both actually had me tear up a bit, not many games accomplish that. It was very heartfelt and emotional I enjoyed seeing a proper character arc for Kratos and his kid and watching them develop.

I also really liked the themes of redemption and trying to be better not just for yourself, but for the people around you, I liked that Kratos has to reflect on his actions and actually come to terms with how he was for all intents and purposes, a monster.

I liked that even enemies where made more complex and given good character arcs. 2018 and Ragnarok are so well done and I love them. The old GoW trilogy was also fun and had good writing in it's own merit and direction, but the new games are something else entirely in a good way and I vastly prefer the character and relationship focused writing in the newer games.

[–] Notorious_handholder 1 points 6 months ago

Thanks for the reference that blaster also looks really cool! I might have to copy you cause that gun looks sick and Im jealous lol. Right now I got an AR10 chambered for .308, I like it for hunting but for target shooting not so much. A 556 variant would probably be a lot better for that

I feel you on the mag size, 30 rounds aren't banned where I'm at either and they look nicer (especially that stormtrooper white you mentioned, oh man that'd look so cool!) but I also use a 10 round cause of how much better it feels and makes it easier to use.

[–] Notorious_handholder 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Yo where did you get your AR from? I love the star wars look!

[–] Notorious_handholder 5 points 6 months ago

You're talking about inheritance though. Inheritance also works likes that in the US as well. But inheritance is a whole different can of worms legally than what is being talked about in the article and even then what debt does and doesn't get passed on is fuzzy. Sorry about your loss though

[–] Notorious_handholder 2 points 6 months ago (3 children)

I recently went to try the charged lemonade (was really gross btw), they do a pretty good job of advertising what's in it. You'd honestly have to go out of your way to avoid the signage telling you about the caffeine.

That and if a drink is charged it usually implies caffeine, alcohol, or vitamin stuff. Either way it is something a person should probably be curious enough to investigate before consuming. Idk why someone would just order and drink something that they don't know anything about... That just seems weird and irresponsible

I'm usually all for knocking corps down a peg, but this charged lemonade stuff with panera feels more like a failure of personal responsibility of the individual.

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