It's so nice to see another being of culture :)
Was done with an air rifle, making it a little bit better, but it still very much surprised me due to the very same reasons...
Drone pilot from Germany here, they have no place hovering over your property, more strictly even they're not allowed to fly in any way that allows them to view your garden from above. You can shoot down the drone and it's their problem note that this is in Germany not the US (which surprised me tbh).
However, that said, could be that it's the same pilot again and again, even if it's different birds. Normally they are very cooperative, just ask them to stop and they'll apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Southern German here, went to Austria, Prague, the Netherlands, Scotland, even northern Germany. Always worked fine except for northern Germany, that's a 50/50 chance of going wrong. Will keep doing that in the future, especially with the expanding night train services.
Can we just add a sponsorship disclaimer to everything he does? Clarence Thomas - b(r)ought to you by Harlan Crow - Or - legal represantative of H. Crow - Or as a short form just Clarence Thomas (Crow)?
Thank you :) I was quite smitten with the various lines criss-crossing the image so I thought it is worth posting
Yep, and right they are. We're dangerous terrorists and our opinion that we should change our way of living instead of destroying the planet before it's too late is a very dangerous thought that terrorizes their simplistic minds.
It baffles me how short lived the memory of people is. The whole affair around Gorch Fock should have made a persona non grata, especially after blatantly refusing any collaboration with the authorities (very convenient that all the incriminating chats were deleted and she can't remember a thing anymore...). On the other hand, looking at the SPD and Scholz' appearance for the Warburg Bank investigation was not any better.
Can we agree to just vote the post to oblivion where it belongs?
Sometimes play with my siblings. The lost connection thing was super annoying until we figured that it comes from the maps. There's 5 player maps w/o the bug, most 8 player maps have it
Does that mean "any" person? So all police officers that broke the freedom of speech ammendment have to do 6 months of community service as well? And those nut jobs that attacked peaceful protest camps and clubbed students over the head?
Didn't find the passage that states anything about blocking passages from rain though...