I'm a straight, cis teacher, and I will never stop supporting my trans kids' right to be their authentic selves. I'm so glad I don't live or work in Texas; my heart goes out to those who do.
Republican and ~~Republican~~ Nazi
Osterholm says the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to public health funding and research, and the US’s withdrawal from international institutions, such as the World Health Organization, could not be happening at a worse time.
I mean, is there ever a good time for that? There's always something out there... we just generally don't hear about it much because public health officials are doing their jobs!
Sonya Gomez: the Mirror Universe
(There are 2 Gs in the word "gigantic")
Obviously it's pronounced the same as the the "g" in "gigantic"
Wow. The argument against trans women in sports is already unscientific enough. Why is chess even split into gendered categories? This just makes zero sense.
The incumbent president always runs.
Not always. Yes, usually, but definitely not always. See, for example, in the last 100 years:
Johnson in 1968 (he knew he had no chance against RFK and had alienated a lot of the base with the escalation of the war in Vietnam)
Truman in 1952 (low polling because of the war in Korea and other domestic issues)
Coolidge in 1928 ("The Presidential office takes a heavy toll of those who occupy it and those who are dear to them. While we should not refuse to spend and be spent in the service of our country, it is hazardous to attempt what we feel is beyond our strength to accomplish.")
Granted, all three of these men served more than one full term in office because they each had taken over after the previous president had died, but each had the ability to run for an additional term and chose not to. Anyway, it is no more true that the incumbent president always runs than it is true that the VP always runs for the presidency at the conclusion of that term.
What other orientation could he possibly put it in? The dude rolled a nat 20. If he can't get it to fit after a roll like that, then there's really no hope.
I'm upvoting, not because I agree, but because this is probably the least popular opinion on this thread, and I commend you for taking such a stance.
Death by Snu Snu!
Thanks, I'd like to end up somewhere that isn't like playing fucking Russian Roulette. I'll take one of those Nordic countries where everyone's got enough, they pay teachers like doctors, and people actually care about science.