The 10th dentist suggests flossing with meat at least twice per day
Congratulations, your entire identity is similar in value to a single hour of minimum wage labor!
I bet if it was Poland they were talking about they'd feel different. Don't people learn their fucking lesson with Russia? Give them a little bit and they'll try to take more. Every inch of ground you give them is a step closer to them coming for you. They may stop to regroup, but it's a matter of when, not if.
The leaders of Europe are fools if they believe anything else.
o7 scooter bro
I think it's a great episode because Charlie really plays the "simple minded commoner" role really well, spitting in peoples faces and bartering with people over pumpkins. Macs wooden teeth scenes are hilarious. The part where they try to act like British royalty kills me. And by the end of the episode it's just very obvious how full of shit the gang is, as usual.
It's always sunny in Philadelphia - "The gang cracks the liberty bell"
There's no way she could hit a drone with a rifle
Like they haven't been bribed before?
TIL what vanilla looks like when it's growing.
We have this really great approach to security where we allow the adversary to infiltrate a huge portion of our infrastructure for years and at many different levels, and then we say "hm, maybe wouldn't be allowing this?"