If our intelligence agencies are too bloated to even communicate or form a joint task force to resolve basic issues like sharing information than the last thing we need is another agency/department. Yes it's very complex but not on this issue. It's there anything the DHS is doing that is unique or not already covered by another department?
And unless you live in the like five places in the US where not having a vehicle is even possible you're screwed. I hate! Having to depend on my car for everything. I don't make enough money to have a reliable vehicle so every day it's nerve racking whenever the car makes a unfamiliar sound, or takes too long to start.
Sounds to me like poor leadership and communication from other departments. Creating a whole new department when emails, phone calls, meetings, and generally giving a shit would solve the problem is waste we can do something about.
Congratulations America. You straight up walked yourself right into being irrelevant. And for those that don't read history. The reason we needed to stand behind Ukraine is because we convinced them to give up ~80% of the USSR's nuclear weapons they had in exchange for western (mainly American) support if Russia tried to retake Ukrainian land.
Ukraine has a very long history of fighting Russian rule. In fact its the whole reason the region was known as separate to Russia. Anyone that thinks Ukraine being controlled by Russia will resolve anything is dumb.
Yup solving the big problems
Ya that's right! Let's have the Department of Homeland Security focusing on what's in someone's pants and not, you know. HOMELAND FUCKING SECURITY!?
But in all seriousness. Why does that department even exists? I'm sure their work is covered by the FBI and CIA just fine.
Because all they want to do is point at the paper and say, "look we made money!"
2025 - 1776 = 249
80 x 4 = 320
Way closer than 80 years.
80 years?! Quadruple that and you might have the real number. Every country within Africa, Asia, Central and South America, too many islands to count would like a word with you.