
joined 2 years ago
[–] NOPper 9 points 1 month ago

That could be any Elon.

[–] NOPper 9 points 1 month ago

This is exactly why I pre-ordered the Prusa Core ONE when it was announced for twice the price of anything Bambu has on hand and told both recent curious friends getting into printing to look elsewhere. Bambu was ALWAYS gonna go down this path, it was only a matter of time.

[–] NOPper 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You haven't heard my PS4 take off like a jet liner on any menu screen.

[–] NOPper 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Friends and I have had servers up for years now. It only looks like Minecraft on the surface, it plays pretty differently beyond placing cubes of stuff down. It's survival focused, so there's cooking and hunting etc. Making in pretty minimal and then you need to smelt the ores down, hammer ingots into what you're crafting voxel by voxel, and climb up the ladder of materials while dealing with more and more complex processes to make better items.

There's seasons that affect crop growth and animal health, and your internal body temp is tracked so if you don't wear warm enough clothing or let it go to tatters you'll freeze to death in winter. If that starts to suck hard enough you can travel thousands of blocks toward the equator and the average temp will go up as you do. There's no biomes like MC, areas are populated based on average seasonal temps and rainfall dynamically. Altitude affects these too.

It's neat.

[–] NOPper 3 points 2 months ago

I bought a Ridge over a decade ago before they went all crazy political, and beyond some wear around the edges it's held up great. Which it should, it's fucking aluminum and titanium. The elastic cash band got stretched out pretty bad over time but I contacted em for a replacement last year and they just sent me one for free.

I don't think anyone's ever bought me a wallet, which tracks with my wishes for everyday carry items honestly.

[–] NOPper 15 points 2 months ago (3 children)

This is total bullshit of course, but fyi those straps have wires run through them to alarm on tampering, it's not like a wristwatch.

Source: was a total nerd in high school and had an extremely cute friend ask me if it was possible to an engineering challenge of course.

[–] NOPper 5 points 3 months ago

"Faaaaaak Noooo"

[–] NOPper 4 points 3 months ago

I really did but the framerate in almost every game that used it dropping by half killed me.

[–] NOPper 2 points 3 months ago

Man, I wish! This was like...1998 when I got it and we didn't take nearly as many photos

[–] NOPper 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Man... my first car was a Beretta GT and I thought the digital dash was the coolest thing ever. It scrambled one day and was pretty amazing to watch freak out.

[–] NOPper 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I feel like this supporting Windows servers and navigating Win 11/12 clients at work these days.

[–] NOPper 1 points 3 months ago

In my case they just discontinued the model instead 😆


I recently spun up a server for some friends that have all been playing with me since the alpha days, and wanted something fresh. Saw AutoCraft mentioned somewhere and checked into it. Basically a full blown kitchen sink pack with so much to do I can't get anything productive done, but it's been great!

Pack admin is responsive and trying to grow a community on their Discord. I've been impressed! It's not perfect for us, mostly around removing some of the client side QoL or gimmick mods that didn't fit how we play and not having any inventory organization out of the box (they're adding it), but more or less stable and good performance.

Anyway, just wanted to participate in the instance haha

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