
joined 1 year ago
[–] Mpeach45 2 points 1 month ago

Don’t have much to say aside from “she’s excellent.”

I’m rarely one to say something in this game is “the best” but her Talons are the single strongest melee in the game.

On my account, Garuda also seems to have an odd, undocumented passive: She shows up as a circuit choice about 4 times as often as other frames. Which is great because the huge maps with great line of sight means her Seeking Talons can wipe huge chunks of the map with a leap in the air.

[–] Mpeach45 1 points 1 month ago

Thought I’d revisit this.

Sadly, no Suda Assault Teams. Instead, Gruzlings.

Lost Floppy Disks: Whatever the Hek it is Tagfer is hoping for in Albrecht’s lab.

Serial to VGA Connectors: Echo Voca.

Albrecht’s Pen: Endo.

CD-ROM Reader: Invocations and Canticles, particularly that one you don’t have yet.

Screen of Void: So, so many weird bugs. Today in the Alchemy Archimedia, I hosted and *I could not see ANY of the elemental pickups. If I happened to stand on one, I got the Pick Up action option, but I never saw them. Then there was a host migration at extraction, plus crazy frame rate drops for the whole squad.

Sadly, no CyberTool Cable Whip Skin.

We must wait until 1999 to discover why there is cat hair.

[–] Mpeach45 24 points 1 month ago

Avoiding discussion of politics is the privilege of those who benefit from oppression.

[–] Mpeach45 3 points 1 month ago

Maybe she IS a beard.

[–] Mpeach45 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Mine? More cardboard. More wood chips.

[–] Mpeach45 12 points 2 months ago

Give me all your hot sauce.

[–] Mpeach45 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Doing two things or more at once is great, as Halasham says.

But most importantly, if the grind isn’t fun, don’t do it. If it’s not fun the way you’re doing it, find another way to do it. Back before they moved Harrow Systems, I spent roughly thirty hours getting it to drop in Caracol defection. It wasn’t super fun, but I made it more fun by experimenting with every frame I had to see if that frame could do the job effectively.

So to answer your question: anything that’s fun is worth doing. Because every piece of gear is worth having, and if it’s fun to get, then why not?

[–] Mpeach45 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I don’t especially have any insights, but with the rework, Inaros is going from “so boring and awkward to play that I never use him” to “always worth considering.”

The Daikyu/Nikana life steal combo makes him essentially immortal.

[–] Mpeach45 1 points 3 months ago

Maybe if you’re a deep Linux head, but the rabbit hole of “first do x, which requires y, which requires z, which requires….” Seemed infinitely deep for me, who has only a passing familiarity with Linux.

Again, I’m talking about Node Red on HA CORE.

[–] Mpeach45 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The problem with Petrify is that it affects so few, and only manually. There’s just no scenario I can think of where Atlas would outperform Mag simply by having Mag bring more enemies faster into the range of a trio of Nekros, Hydroid, and Khora.

[–] Mpeach45 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Node red is the most notable example.

[–] Mpeach45 3 points 3 months ago (6 children)

You must not be talking about HA Core. Because some of those add-on additions are just straight up impossible for Core, as far as my experience.

  1. Wrathful Advance’s teleport does not work reliably for going through lasers. Jupiter vaults fine, but Corpus ship lasers nope. This is just silly as he’s already not a great choice for spy missions.

  2. Recompense’s self damage can KILL Kullervo, but it DOES NOT trigger Hunter Adrenaline. Why? Kullervo loves to not have to run Zenurik, making Hunter Adrenaline a reasonable choice for him. In fact I run it on him even with it not being self-triggerable.

In news of other odd design choices, I’ve found that this “I’m a dagger guy” warframe actually works best with… A sword and shield combo. Move forward with the block combo, parrying and triggering Adaptation while taking no damage. Just make sure everything behind you is already dead—which isn’t too tricky given Kullervo’s huge damage output.


We became the Void Orphans because we wanted an emphasis on fun, learning, and social interaction. We don't recruit randomly, preferring to know that a new member will fit our vibe.

That vibe is friendly, helpful, social, and tolerant of all kinds of people who are also tolerant. (If you’re the sort of person who thinks it’s OK to use “That’s gay” pejoratively, move along. Racists can fuck right off. )We are an eclectic bunch of men and women from six+ different countries and don't have time for racists or the intolerant. LGBTQBP welcome! Also, the clan Elder named his rail jack the Starry Plow and if you know what that refers to without looking it up, you're definitely our kind of people.

While the core of the clan is MR21+ all the way to Legendary 3, we specifically seek lower MR players looking for some guidance and assistance in this massively complex game. We're happy to point you on the right road to farming, getting frames, modding, whatever. And while there's a definite culture of "oh hey, you like the [weird weapon] and I don't, you want this riven for it?" we want you to achieve things on your own, with our help. And our focus is on fun, not being meta. You want to main Zephyr? Great, I do too. Let's talk in clan chat :) In fact, you’ll probably annoy us if you exclusively are a Zoom & Boom meta player in clan squads.

We're a Storm clan with about 60 members, and have no plans to ever exceed Storm size though we would ultimately like to be around 20 regularly active Orphans. We know that new games happen, and new content in other games, so we don’t have an inactivity kick policy.

Void Orphans has a fine dojo with a restrained aesthetic and convenient layout, 0% trade tax, a clan badge that's clear, visible and fashion frame compatible, players who are active every day, and leadership by consensus. Our discord server is the place to discuss plans, to get a sense of how we do things, and to contribute your thoughts. There is no authoritarian nonsense, no edicts imposed from above, no mandated donations to the clan vault. Instead there's a communal discussion of what short and long term goals to work toward and how to achieve them, and a "hey MR5, do you need a hand doing this week's RailJack missions? I'll host." tradition.

A mic is not required, but would be very, very handy. I’ll even say preferred.

Sound like your kind of people? Message the poster, Mpeach45, here. I'll get you a discord link to start, and let you know how to reach us in the Origin System. Please be 18+ and in some time zone where your play hours overlap at least a little with UTC +5 (US Eastern Time)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Mpeach45 to c/[email protected]

So my PSN is specifically intended to trigger right wing idiots.

“ Real World Controversy

Do not introduce politics or other real-world controvery in your posts and comments.”

If I post my PSN here, will I be banned?

BTW, my name here is too.

Bad Weather Coming! (
submitted 1 year ago by Mpeach45 to c/virginia

I’m going to Leave Duviri rather than finish any solo Experience that requires races to progress. I don’t play Warframe to feel like a drunk riding Cocaine Bear.


I’ve got some that are correct, some that are 90° rotated, and some that are 180°.

Happens on an up to date iPad Pro pulling images from Photos in the web client. Safari.


Bronze Arrow is the variety. These seem remarkably pest resistant!


Taken last month.


Of course, it should have been gas.

Evening by the fire (
submitted 1 year ago by Mpeach45 to c/photos
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