
joined 2 months ago
[–] MintyFresh 6 points 2 weeks ago

My mom lives in a cabin out in the woods. I found her as a stray a few years ago, dumped her there. It's a good life for a kitty.

[–] MintyFresh 2 points 2 weeks ago

Ha! When their eyes dilate like that you know shenanigans are imminent.

[–] MintyFresh 3 points 2 weeks ago

This is what stops me from leaping to phone Foss.

[–] MintyFresh 6 points 2 weeks ago

I used to live in that region. She'll do some jail, maybe even prison, depending on priors and exactly what went down, but not 30yrs. Just asshole cops making the most out of what they got. No judge will let that shit fly. Maybe in Alabama but not MN.

[–] MintyFresh 4 points 2 weeks ago

No, you need to layer up and let your body acclimate.

[–] MintyFresh 9 points 2 weeks ago

Lol I meant it more as punctuation, but never stop dreaming friend!

[–] MintyFresh 4 points 2 weeks ago

That would be dope. Lille bell too

[–] MintyFresh 2 points 2 weeks ago

Right? Layer up, good pace, you're golden!

[–] MintyFresh 1 points 2 weeks ago

Deep impact is a great movie! Directed by Mimi Leder. She also directed The Peacemaker, a great 90's adventure movie with George Clooney and Nichole Kidman. If you're into that sort of thing.

[–] MintyFresh 1 points 2 weeks ago

I never got the dune hype either, book or movie. The latest was fun to watch on the big screen, and the 80's make is awesomely 80's in all its 80's terribleness. But over all it gets a meh from me. And I'm a huge SF nerd.

[–] MintyFresh 35 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

I grew up in northern Minnesota. Fuck whatever your saying. You absolutely can pop to the grocery. It's disingenuous AF to say this place is inhospitable without automobiles. The Anishinaabe have managed it. I managed it. Litteral millons do.

What you meant to say is "surviving in a place like Minnesota requires planning and community" I'm MN born and raised. I haven't owned an automobile for 15years. It's very possible.

And seeing how there's ten billion souls on this planet, rapidly fucking it up, it would behoove us to live with less resource expenditures. Any way you stack it up, from leaded gasoline to the sleekest EV, the personal automobile is a gluttonous, selfish act. We can live without them, your very existence is proof. Ride the bus, snow shoe, ski, walk bus, fuck.

[–] MintyFresh 2 points 2 weeks ago

As someone who grew up in northern areas, not really. In fall or spring (Oct, or April) when the sun has a better angle you can notice. But the rest of the winter when the sun's at a slant? Not so much.

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