qt3.14 = qt (pi) = cutiepie
OP is a nerd, not a pedophile. At least not based on this.
qt3.14 = qt (pi) = cutiepie
OP is a nerd, not a pedophile. At least not based on this.
They have Bison. Went there a few weeks ago. Pretty cool park!
ISO 8601 for life.
If the platform is still around in ten years, I’ll still call it Twitter out of spite.
Crumbling infrastructure vs train company negligence.
I could go either way on this one; or even both.
I would love to see some citations on this. Don’t believe for a second these numbers would favor Trump in reality.
My partner and I both carry two phones - personal and work. Can’t wait to get kicked out of an AirBnB due to having too many phones on the premises.
As a fellow OH-1 resident, you are aware we voted in Greg Landsman (D) as our representative this past election cycle, right? It was good to see Chabot go.
Prior to this, I was equally annoyed about our lack of representation and am still peeved about the state of Ohio districts in general.
84 ÷ 12 = 7 years
That’s my issue.
I was an engineer in 2019. Since then, I’ve completed an MBA and became a project manager with a team of engineers under me. Even though my salary looks larger, my buying power is roughly equal to what it was four years ago. Without the education and title, I’d be far worse off.
Meanwhile, I see large increases for upper management as well as the union employees who have gotten 30% raises.