Actually this is wrong. Oils (such as olive) typically contain 40 calories per tspn, comprised mainly of fats. Semen typically contains only 5-25 calories per tspn, and has a much more diverse macro and micronutrient profile
Hong Kong's subway system offers fare discounts if you use the entrances/exits that require you to walk through a mall, as part of their monetisation of spaces required to access public services
Love how everyone in the comments are shitting on Nintendo and Game Freak lmao
I think you mean The Quack
"Science adjusts its views based on what's observed
Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved"
From Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie - YouTube -
Similar to Texas, it has its own secession movement.
Secessionism in Western Australia - Wikipedia -
Because PrEP exists, which when taken as prescribed reduces the chance of HIV transmission by ~99%.
HIV transmission virtually eliminated in Inner Sydney, Australia | International AIDS Society (IAS) -
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) | HIV Risk and Prevention | HIV/AIDS | CDC -
There must be a gay Cinderella remake out there somewhere. Grindrella gets visited by the fairy thotmother, who transforms his button up shirt and black skinny chinos into a harness and jockstrap and sends him off the royal orgy. The next day Prince DomTop has to go around and top everyone in the village because it was a blackout orgy and he couldn't see anyone, meaning the only way he can find who Grindrella was is by remembering the feel of that bussy.