explaining purchasing power collapse to an american: ~~imagine~~ experience no burger
explaining purchasing power collapse to an american: ~~imagine~~ experience no burger
Humans: 🤮
Human genitalia: 🍆💨👃🤤
Not to be a defender of VW, but I really hate this arguably unfair flack they get for diesel gate. Basically every auto manufacturer cheated emissions, VW were just the ones that got caught. If anything, VW cheated their emissions much less than others.
Bless Singapore and their innovation in shoving humans bodies into cupboards, from domestic workers in apartments to corpses on airplanes
I'm sorry but this is erasure of the very real homophobia these glam metal bands experienced as part of later backlash.
And the guys in Skid Row tell of going out in public in the late eighties with “their hair stacked to the sky” and fighting with rednecks who called them removeds (Konow 296). While I never had to duke it out with anyone because of my long hair (the extent of my glam look), I did have similar experiences in the real world. Once, when with my mom at Huntington House, a now-defunct furniture store, a female sales clerk came up behind us and asked, “Can I help you ladies?” And on another occasion, when looking at clothes at Joslins in the Westminster Mall, a woman approached me from behind while remarking, “What do we have here? A lady looking at men’s pants!”
Glam Metal and Its Requisite Gender-Bending: Celebrated Until They Suddenly Weren’t | by Ron Baxendale II | Medium - https://ronaldbax2.medium.com/glam-metal-and-its-requisite-gender-bending-celebrated-until-they-suddenly-werent-cf979b24eb4a
You say that, but don't forget they rejected alternative vote (abolishing FPTP) then voted for Brexit
Broke: Capitalism made your iPhone!
Woke: Socialism made your iPhone
"VAT - Vaccinated Antifa Tariff," Musk, probably
Yep, just search for country + banks for expats. Typically a lot of the countries well known for financial services have banks which make it very easy to open a bank account online. They will require you to upload some ID for verification, and provide tax details. Expats (rich white immigrants) do this all the time.
You are not limited to just Canada / Europe either. E.g. Australia: Macquarie Bank Singapore: OCBC Hong Kong: HSBC
Already happened. It died because it turns out the AI was funneling all of your browsing data to the servers running the AI instead
GPT-AdBlocker for Chrome promises to block all ads, including ads in videos - gHacks Tech News - https://www.ghacks.net/2023/07/19/gpt-adblocker-for-chrome-promises-to-block-all-ads-including-ads-in-videos/
Also Japanese, and plenty of cheap generic toners available online. They even publish Linux drivers.