
joined 1 year ago
Rkgk4 (by Freng) (

Artist: Freng | pixiv | danbooru

Full quality: .png 4 MB (2636 × 3337)


Artist: Polilla | pixiv | danbooru

Full quality: .png 5 MB (3817 × 5559)


Artist: Ommmyoh | twitter | danbooru


Artist: Xi Shui Fang | pixiv | danbooru

Full quality: .jpg 1 MB (2924 × 3867)


Artist: Taka T | twitter | danbooru


Artist: Dadadadadaist | twitter | danbooru


Artist: Guihuo Inferno | pixiv | danbooru


Artist: Matsunaga777 | pixiv

Full quality: .jpg 3 MB (2911 × 4472)


Artist: Yumesphere | pixiv | twitter | danbooru

Full quality: .jpg 4 MB (2480 × 3508)


Artist: Imoko | pixiv | danbooru

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Literally anyone trying to help?

The fediverse doesn't have "an algorithm" that figures out what you like and dislike, so downvoting doesn't make content go away. It just nerfs the visibility of that one post for everyone else.

You'll still get the next post in your feed, and the one after that...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

This isn't like tiktok where "the algorithm" will pick up on your dislikes and stop showing you that content. Your downvotes nerf the visibility of that content for everyone, while not actually reducing its prevalence in your feed.

The opposite, when the anime stuff I post gets downvotes, I double down on posting more. So unless you block the community, the content will appear in your feed again.

Mods can't see votes yet, but once I can, I would totally do this. Admins already can.

If you're just downvoting every post in a community or on an instance, you're basically engaging in content suppression. You are actively reducing the visibility of an entire type of content which someone does want to see and engage with. But you're tapping the brakes on that content thriving on lemmy, while doing nothing to actually personalise your feed.

You don't get to gatekeep what types of communities get to be on the fediverse. That's up to admins, and the only limits even they should be enforcing are legal and moral.

If you just don't like the content, why would you keep downvoting it instead of blocking it?

Downvoting is for misinformation, for posts that don't belong in a given community, and comments that are in bad taste. Kinda like this post.

If something just isn't for you, downvoting it is like trying to stop other people from listening to their favourite music because you don't get it.


Artist: フミよ | pixiv

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

PBR isn't shit, and it doesn't necessarily mean targeting photorealism.

It's just a benchmark for material rendering that means once all your assets come out the other end of production, they work consistently with each other.

You could shift that benchmark towards cartoony or painterly or whatever you like, and even with assets produced using PBR, it's easier to "style" your game later because all your different assets are at the same starting point, and will therefore react to rendering changes consistently across the board.

Basically if your entire team is making metal materials by eyeballing it, and you then put it all together in a scene, you won't be able to get all the different metal objects to look like metal at the same time as you make changes to the lighting in the scene, because the asset team made all of them using slightly different material parameters.

If you make your entire asset production pipeline PBR, all metal assets will behave the same, all glass materials will behave the same, flesh, fabric, fur...

You get the idea.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

So how bombastic should her presentation be?


[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

For a second there I thought the only thing covering her chest were some imperial pasties.


Actually the style isn't detailed enough to rule that out.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Short of answering any questions about a product I ask, all of them.

If I want or need something, I will come looking. Anything beyond that is the market trying to solicit demand where none need exist.

So much waste could be eliminated if that just... Stopped.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Not even close, if you actually install barebones arch, then barebones arch is exactly that, barebones. You wont even have a DE.

Endeavour is what you want. It's just straight up arch, but with all the stuff you'd want to set up anyway done for you.

And if you want an "app-store" style app to browse packages with, and not fiddle with the command line to manage packages, install pamac. It can be expanded with AUR and flatpak support.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Indeed. Ready for websites, not everyday media files.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

As is webp. Animated webps have been a thing this whole time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Cinnamon hasn't been keeping up for years. When I tried Mint again when I went full-time linux last year, and found the same unfixed bugs from three years prior, I ditched it forever.

The format has been around for 13 years, and is objectively superior to its predecessors. By now it is actually set to be replaced by avif and jpgxl which are even better.

At this point running into cases where it doesn't work makes me question the software, not the format.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I adore Fires of Rubicon. They know how to design games, and how to pull off an aesthetic. That side of the studio has serious world-class talent.

But fromsoft has some big issues on the graphics tech expertise side of things.

I don't think I've seen any subsurface scattering in their games, or proper multi-texture materials. I don't think they are on a PBR workflow (physically based rendering) though they couldn't achieve their "style" if they were. And the way they still rely on shell texturing in places they really, really shouldn't, actually hurts.

My problem isn't with their style. It's that they don't seem to know all the industry standard solutions and techniques that exist and have been developed, and shoot themselves in the foot both in terms of performance and fidelity, by achieving things in ways that an expert could immediately tell is a bad idea.

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