Despite the upvotes and the BS second sentence I am going to agree with "It’s supposed to be a low earning job for kids." Just like caddy at a golf course, and many others. The fact that our society is so broken people are forced to take these jobs and try to make a living underlines hundreds of other problems. I would rather see us fix all the others issues limiting the number of living wage jobs than worry about the pay of one sector. If that happened the fast food jobs would either be filled by "kids" or have to up wages to get any employees solving the fast food pay issue as well. just like @[email protected] says below things like "EMTs only get $15/hr" being fixed along with unemployment rates would go a long way.
I always viewed the difference as intent and not mutually exclusive. reason explains your thought process, actions, and events. Excuse are reasons presented in a manor meant to shift responsibility.
As a person who has unfortunately been forced to use a firearm to defend the life of myself and my family during a break in where the guy had handcuffs etc, I read this as you telling me we should just be dead. if "you’re rich enough to have your own security service " you don't need a weapon at all. The rest of us unfortunately may have to defend ourselves. I am aware this is only an anecdotal argument not a statistical one, but as the guy who did not have to watch unspeakable things happen to his family, I'm OK with that.
when economy was based on number of farmers or number of factory workers (especially cheap ones) those in power loved them. But honestly even then they where treated as cheap labor not people. Ask Irish, Chinese, etc, etc.....
for local coop of course portal and as a bonus, kid safe, - it takes two, biped.
never said i was upset about "Egwene and Nynaeve". Not sure where you got that. I just remember the one power being more common in the village because "the blood of Manetheren flows strong Emond's Field" and everyone commenting how Rand looked so different from the locals. They also commented that those in watch hill mixed with outsiders but Tam was strange because he married someone from off. Rand remarks that Mistress Grimwell (Else Grimwell's mother) has yellow hair, a hair color he had never seen before in his life. Rand sees Thom he notices that he has blue eyes and Rand remembers a time he fought Ewal Coplin because he made fun of Rand's grey eyes (so we can infer from that this eye color stands out there and Rand suffered at least one episode of bullying). I think everyone should have been dark skinned, or at least all similar. Its the variaty i did not like.
[insert comment here]
WOT having racial diversity in a village where the book made a huge deal about the fact that everyone looks the same due to isolation and inbreeding. That I had an issue with. This is stupid. It is well established that the doctor can come back looking like anything.
no doubt. major pet peeve of mine, people enter a building (IE store) and just STOP blocking the entrance. I get you need to get you bearings but step out of the wat to do it!
if it where true, it would be because she is planning to run with her boyfriend.