Always good to see a big turn out in the younger population. No matter the country.
You hear about and see this a lot. You can even see it on people's faces sometimes when you talk to them. They are already thinking about what they want to say rather than actually listening to what is said. So they are listening to respond rather than listening to truly engage in the conversation. I think many of us can be guilty of it at times. So I try to catch myself when I'm doing it. Remind myself how it feels to be on the other end of it when someone else does it.
I haven't read a ton of his stuff, but what I have I have enjoyed. Forgetting the name, but the one where the main character can only go out at night was enjoyable in a similar way to the first few Odd Thomas books for me.
You're right that his stuff feels lighter and that can be good depending on your mood. I enjoy King, but have to be in the right frame of mind because his stuff often feels a bit padded for me. I guess maybe I like a happy medium between the two.
Lately I've noticed blank replies, yet others commenting on them so appear only blank for me. I'm assuming those are a type of pic as well.
This was the first audio book I ever listened to. I had a long commute at the time. Then took a trip with my folks that had a two day drive and talked them into listening to it. My dad wasn't a reader, but they loved it and were hooked. Any long drive they had they'd go to the library and get a couple audio books.
Guess this doesn't really help the topic other than to say it is an enjoyable book. I've since read it as well.
Persuasion can be great. I've talked my way out of fights I didn't know I would be able to. Or talked my way into bypassing sections of quests that might have been time consuming.
I feel like this can be applied to anything. People enjoy what they enjoy. Lots of things I don't understand like reality TV. My girlfriend loves Big Brother. I don't get it. But I don't need to. She just needs to enjoy herself like I do with things I enjoy.
Not European, but next ones for you.
Had the same issues when I still had hair to manage. Head & Shoulders was the only one for me as well. Until I just started buzzing my hair.
Now I need a good beard wash or my beard deals with the same thing.
I think we even see it regionally as well, not just country to country. Oh that happened 8 hours from me even if it was in my own state, vs oh that happened 10 minutes from where I live. People tend to take more notice when it hits closer to home.
I get where you are coming from, but I think this in part is done so people don't just ignore it all. Not on our land, what do we care sort of thinking. Not saying I like that this would be needed to bring it closer to home for others, but that I can see that it would for some. We saw it with 9/11 as well as I would see other countries talk about how many they lost that day. Or when a plane goes down.
I'm reminded of Leland Yee. California politician who was in favor of gun control all while doing gun running stuff himself. Guess he felt gun control was good for business.