I tried it once with Reddit a long time ago and they never asked me to verify I was from the EU, they just told me that the data would auto be deleted after x amount of days.
Not sure if it still applies as AI is hungry for all that data now.
I tried it once with Reddit a long time ago and they never asked me to verify I was from the EU, they just told me that the data would auto be deleted after x amount of days.
Not sure if it still applies as AI is hungry for all that data now.
Dude, I am all for people trying and stuff.
I can tell that you are just starting out in the graph game, and that is cool and all. But compare to OP yours looks terrible. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to save you from the embarrassment.
Take another look at OPs graph and pay attendtion to the different thickness in the lines and the unpredictable curves.
It is absolutely not safe to ride a bike in my city. I live in a third world country and the roads are not lit well, and the busses ride in the bike lanes as if they were not there.
In fact, the bike lane on the cities main road through the city put the turning lanes in the bike lanes, so good luck not getting hit by a car from behind.
I think a lot of games these days are keeping low powered devices like the steamdeck in mind. I think we are heading for igpu only for gamers and all the dgpu resources are going to go towards AI.
I still can't believe that so many PCs are getting cut off from software updates. Its going to be a huge security issue. There will suddenly be millions of unsecured computers being actively used. I can imagine that this will be allowed to happen.
I think Microsoft is doing this because they want to make the ultimate spy network with copilot or what ever they are calling it now. I really need to figure out how to get a single work app to work on Linux reliably. I use it for like 99% of my work, so a virtual machine is kind of useless. I honestly think I will need to wait for a native version of the app to be developed and who knows if that will happen.
I don’t live in the US, and I wonder if the used market for them are expensive here.
I’ll have to figure out what to search for.
I didn’t say there any been any great games in past 20 years.
But to answer your question, games were released without stores to purchase cosmetics or dlcc. Games were not released in a buggy state to be patched later, there was no online requirement for single player games.
I played this a lot with my best friend growing up. I have fading memories of playing this all night during sleepovers.
It’s really cool to see this.
I’d love to have o e of the ps3s that were backwards compatible.
It’s actually the only console since the nes that I never actually played.
That box brings back memories. What a great console! It was the last great generation of gaming. Once internet connected consoles became the norm, things started to go downhill in many ways.
That’s pretty crazy to think that a full mmo can now run on my phone.
We have come such a long way in regard to tech capability.
Now, let me dock my phone and run a full OS without being restricted to an App Store, Apple!
The first one was really good and so was whispers of a machine. I think I liked whispers of a machine a bit better.
I’ll have to replay Kathy rain 1 before this comes out. I should get the updated version of the game. It’s pretty cheap might go on sale during the autumn sale.