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[–] LwL 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, not once have i had any need for a usb c port on my pc? Not having to deal with orientation is nice, but I've also had the experience that usb-c is worse at keeping a connection, and I have so many cables with USB-A at one end anyway.

[–] LwL 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah I'm the same. Never really hit more than 10 tabs on desktop unless researching, and I reset them on restart anyway so they can't accumulate. On my phone I think I'm currently at 89, and that's only because i closed all when it went above 100.

Also notepad++ I probably have 100+ open for the same reason. Opening something new makes a new tab, and they never reset.

[–] LwL 6 points 1 year ago

Lower risk yes, but also harder to put out yes, and also the comparison here isn't about cars at all.

It still shouldn't be an issue as long as you place the storage somewhere where the fire can be contained easily, then worst case the whole storage burns down but there wouldn't be significant collateral damage.

[–] LwL 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Lithium batteries can produce oxygen when at high temperature. I'm not sure if they would produce enough to be able to start burning in such conditions, but I wouldn't rule it out (maybe someone better versed in chemistry knows). And once they start burning, the fire heats them up more, so they produce more oxygen, whch further fuels the fire.

[–] LwL 4 points 1 year ago

And also, not everyone even has the same schedules. USA has common "9-5" office jobs, in germany people more commonly start at 8. So even with timezones you still need the schedule adjustment to a degree.

I play online video game tournaments with players globally, one person will complain about having to play at 11 because it's so early and would rather play at 0, someone else complains that 16 is too late and would rather play at 7. And even with many people in that community being very experienced with timezone conversion, they still occasionally mix something up.

One single global time would just be better. But I also brought it up once on reddit and got pretty much the same reactions.

[–] LwL 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It isn't on by default, but pressing shift I think 5 times fast in a row is a shortcut not even to turn it on, but to display a pop-up asking you if you want to turn it on.

You can disable that though. However it still seems like something that shouldn't be happening by default, since no one is going to want to use it without knowing about it, and at that point opt-in seems better with how easy it is to do accidentally.

[–] LwL 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, a beer bar is a bar, that's how subcategories work. Feel free to check the wikipedia article on bars for more infos on different bar types! Believe it or not, they're not all the same and most bars serve alcoholic beverages that aren't beer!

[–] LwL 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It's a bar that primarily or only serves beer.

[–] LwL 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

It actually really annoys me that gmo is somehow seen as a universally bad thing when it's really not very different from sped up selective breeding, and could do so much to help the environment and even increase animal welfare (what if there were GMO cows that don't need to have their babies stolen to get milk from them).

But my only options are to either ignore any ethical production issues entirely or completely avoid GMO food.

[–] LwL 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The worst is when they redirect you to some /nojs page or similar that doesn't even have scripts from whatever source was required for it to run so I can't just tell noscript to allow whatever seems relevant, I have to blanket allow scripts temporarily.

[–] LwL 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The jews living in random countries all over the world have nothing to do with Israels actions and attacking them over it is fucking dumb and nothing other than racism.

I've seen all sorts of things called antisemitic recently so I won't make a judgement on whether hatecrimes against jews actually went up, but it wouldn't be surprising. People always look for the nearest scapegoat and attack them to deal with their anger.

[–] LwL 5 points 1 year ago

If the landlord is the local municipality then they did most likely pay for the house to be built. And in general the landlord has bought it from whoever built it if they didn't do it themselves, so they still paid for it.

Abusing the power imbalance to raise prices is unethical. The fact that people make money from having money is a general capitalism issue that is far from exclusive to housing. But the houses don't spawn out of thin air and the costs for that have to be paid one way or another.

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