I think nord offers a password manager alongside the vpn now, which is where that comes from. But yea, I hate the way vpns are always presented in those ads. I think most people now know the word "vpn" but most still don't know what it actually means, but think they do.
It's not a great system honestly. Throwing away ~14% of votes (that is several million people) isn't very democratic. It's not entirely pointless, but at least having a main vote and one fallback vote if the main vote doesn't make 5% would reduce that number by a lot, without encouraging heavy fracturization of parties (while still remaining computationally feasible to count, which is a real problem with systems that fully remove strategic voting).
At least this time I'm happy that neither the libertarian car fetish party nor the tankie light party made it in, but systemically it's not great.
I mean kinda yes esp wage gap just being a symptom but how is this relevant to some (too many) men really loving to send unsolicited dick pics?
Well, the real moment it becomes an issue is when a significant vulnerability is found after EOS. So I guess after EOS is when the sword of damocles starts hanging above every win 10 user..
Personally I'm on the edge of the ship just waiting to jump off once i have my new pc (probably next week).
That's not a matter of being dumb, just that they never had a reason to question the difference. The proper way to answer that if you think there might be confusion is to recommend arch and note that they might just care about the DE, in which case there are simpler options. Otherwise you're just being an ass.
Another thing that I hadn't really thought about before reading another comment in this thread is that the arch wiki install guide (and other pages) are written with the assumption that you want to understand what you're doing. And I think for many people that's just not the case. Which is fair enough, not everyone enjoys tinkering with software. Just like I'm currently paying someone to build my new pc for me because I really don't enjoy doing that. But there have been a few places within the arch install process where I had to research some background info to know what to optimally do for my use case instead of taking a guess and hoping it works out. And that's quite a barrier, I see people struggle with similar things all the time at work. If any research is required beyond what your step by step guide is telling them, many people will give up.
But the kid is feeling fine. Ignoring how they feel would, in this case, be acting overly worried.
Many european cities were too, after they got leveled in ww2. Changing that is possible, but it requires actually starting.
I can easily see that kids will eat your time like crazy, but otherwise? I have 5-6 hours of free time a day during the week, 8hrs of work, 8hrs of sleep (including the 30-60m it takes me to fall asleep),, 30m lunch break, 2x25m commute. Like 5 mins spent making food in the evening (either just bread in which case it's even less, or just something quick like noodles. 10-15 mins if I feel like making the sauce myself). Eating is semi-free time since I'll usually watch something during. 5 mins of shopping on the way home every 2 days or so. 10 mins or so for brushing teeth in total since i tend to space out during. 1min quick shower that doesn't touch my hair. 1-2 mins brushing hair. Once or twice a week 20-30min shower including washing and drying hair to be dry enough. Take out trash like once a week takes 5 mins max.
There are some things where I save time by using money (vacuum robot, eating out for lunch, grabbing food from the bakery when I'm too hungry to skip breakfast like I usually do), but that wouldn't even add up to an hour a day.
I still think everyone should work less because imo it's very possible to do without leading to deficits in anyones life. But like wtf are people doing.
There is. Since the cake is in the shape of a 1, unless you want the name to be sideways when you look at it in the correct orientation, you have to write it vertically.
They poll between 11 and 18% in bavaria from what I found. They're doing best in the east, but unfortunately the entire country has a significant part of the population voting for them.
Scooters are motorcycles by most definitions (and afaik motorbike is just the british term?)