Yeah, some of them could have some dried up poop on the shell. Not often and not many though. But you can wash them before you use them.
Maybe some should knock couple of your teeth out, just in case you're hiding an explosive there.
At this point, Onion is more relevant source of news than Fox is.
Why fix something that isn't broken?
Raw milk will fix that ;)
You should put maga stickers next to the price tag, just to remind the folks :)
Thank you, exactly that.
Yeah but that was something that happened and it wasnt a big deal, that's the whole point. It wasnt the centerpoint of the whole episode, it wasnt the main act and talked about throughout the episode non stop. It's just something that was normal and happened in normal day to day life. In future these things are considered normal and not worth talking about, because racism is something that did not exist in like 300 years.
And failed.
Yeah, you showed her now! Bravo, well done! Gaza will finally prosper with trump back in power.
No, but you'll have a chance (maybe?) in 4 years to do something about it.
Win 11 is downgrade to Win 10, and I expect Win 12 to be a downgrade to Win 11. I still didnt decide whether Mint or Kubuntu will be the next OS on my pc. I'm pretty sure Windows 12 has no chance.