You're either a bot, a troll or just plain old stupid. Even if you're just stupid, you're not worth my time because I cant fix stupid, and there's really no point in arguing with you.
They should put lead back into gasoline as well, while they're at it...and asbestos in a baby powder.
Arent your eyes watering? How can you even type? With putins cock jammed so far your throat? No gag reflex?
Judging by your other comments, I suppose you get your "news" on fox news...?
I'm doing my part!
First time i read it I thought it says "Democracy dies on live TV"... not far from it i guess...
That's why he's pulling to the right
America did do that to themselves, either elected a evil, greedy and a complete moron, or a russian asset... or both...
In any case they did that, the ones that voted for him and the others that did not vote at all "since both parties are the same"
What about "read-only friday"? :)
He's a petty little orange bitch.
Finally a positive news :)
And nothing of value was lost.