
joined 2 years ago
[–] Lemmylefty 59 points 2 years ago (1 children)
[–] Lemmylefty 6 points 2 years ago

What do you like to play?

[–] Lemmylefty 14 points 2 years ago


I’ve found my community!

[–] Lemmylefty 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

While I definitely agree that routine checkups like that should be happening (and especially for people who just got their licenses or are 60+) at least for a car dominant culture like the US I can see that being a huge burden both on safety organizations/DMVs and on the drivers themselves. :/

[–] Lemmylefty 10 points 2 years ago

That’s why I hate it when conservatives trot out that fake Voltaire quote about the ones who you can’t criticize are who rules you.

Bullshit. Kings and emperors have been satirized and mocked for millennia. It’s not that they can’t be criticized, it’s that after their nakedness is on display, the accusations fade into the dirt; nothing sticks, nothing matters.

[–] Lemmylefty 4 points 2 years ago

The base that has been getting little hits of dopamine over the years from dogwhistles and winks has been given pure heroin in Trump and they are NOT going back. The Republican establishment knows this, which is why all but a few in very safe positions (Romney’s hold on Utah comes to mind) are either bending the knee or trying to outdo Trump.

Not to mention their main criticism of him was that he lost the most recent election, and his endorsements are poison. He delivered their SCOTUS picks, their federal judges, killed Roe, helped galvanize a wave of anti-queer legislation, got them that tax handjob for the rich: he’s their attack dog and they love him, they just hate cleaning up after him.

They know that if Trump has a shot at the presidency and they kill that then they’ve lost that base, that funding juggernaut, that good will from fascist media. They’re stuck in a cage of their own making but if he wins they’re on cloud 9 again.

[–] Lemmylefty 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

“No but you see they’re protected by the complacency and ignorance of the hordes of people they’ve hoodwinked!” “Are they now.”

[–] Lemmylefty 10 points 2 years ago

People lived here fully and loved dearly. It’s sweet.

[–] Lemmylefty 4 points 2 years ago (5 children)

It would be perfect, but if Trump becomes the nominee it won’t happen, and the other gremlins don’t have enough support to pull significant numbers away. The people who claim to prefer DeSantis just want a Trumpian who’s winning; choosing between the wounded but still wildly popular real thing versus the flagging knockoff isn’t much of a real choice to them.

[–] Lemmylefty 1 points 2 years ago

Basic BAC calculator.

Pace yourself when drinking so that you are metabolizing the drinks fully before starting a new one. If you still experience hangover symptoms the next day despite being sober, you may have an issue with metabolizing but probably aren’t allergic, since being allergic outright to alcohol would result in more immediate symptoms.

[–] Lemmylefty 19 points 2 years ago (9 children)

Trump has the support of 62 percent of likely Republican primary voters, while his nearest opponent, Ron DeSantis, trails him with a measly 16 percent. That’s a 7 point drop in DeSantis support among those voters just since June.

Oh my god that’s not even close.

Unless he literally dies, Trump will be the nominee.


I’ve become aware, as I get older, how my initial emotional reaction to conflict isn’t always fair and is usually pointed backward, defensive and angry. I also know that I do better if I have time alone to process how I’m feeling, and often by the time I’m done things have moved on.

What I’ve been working on is to stop using excuses - the moment has passed, I’d just be dredging up the same argument, I’ve had this conversation in my head a bunch but they never turn out exactly right - and just go back to the people involved and tell them how I feel because they deserve that effort. There have been disagreements I’ve had where I wasn’t in the wrong but the other party did something I can admire and appreciate, and it doesn’t hurt me any to say that.

And it never ends with what I imagine is “argument perfection”: a point by point discussion of intent and action and history. Which is silly because life is messy but it gets better and I and others grow more patient and willing to move forward if I’m not always bracing for a blow.

That’s…probably a bit confusing, but it’s been something I’ve been mulling over, so…what personality traits of yours are you working on?


Question inspired by a Charley horse that hit in the middle of the night.

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