
joined 2 years ago
[–] LePoisson 13 points 1 month ago (6 children)

by your own admittance I can come and disrupt your family to any extent I choose

I'm pretty sure protests, disruptive as they can be, are very different than personally attacking or otherwise bothering an individual and their family.

That's some crazy "logic" you're working with there.

[–] LePoisson 1 points 1 month ago

I still think most of that was psyops and not real people because that logic is dumb af. I'm sure some got caught up in it and didn't vote but it's not surprising to me that now nobody on Lemmy actually cares about Palestine anymore.

[–] LePoisson 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah need more money to go travel even if it isn't through time.

[–] LePoisson 19 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Where the fuck you gonna deport them to?

Work camps to be used as slave labor is my bet if we're talking mask off open fascism becoming the norm in the USA.

I really despise trump voters by now, I could forgive them the first time but after his first term and all the rest of everything these fuckers are either willfully ignorant or actually subscribe to his rhetoric and fucked up beliefs which is worse. There's no redeeming them at this point I'm afraid.

[–] LePoisson 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

If you're interested in what happened with the guys wife in China you replied to he made a comment on my post and answered


[–] LePoisson 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Do you currently watch Tasting History on YouTube because it sounds right up your alley if not.


It's kind of cool that his channel was the first one I got to see go from early inception (few thousand subs) to where he is now. Impressive, and honestly well deserved.

[–] LePoisson 1 points 1 month ago

I agree facts matter and appreciate you vetting it and all that jazz. I tend to outright dismiss "picture with impact font text(s)" because of what you said.

I just thought for a sec you were saying that the pic was not really truthful, in general (if not specifically), so was confused for a minute. Keep up the good work comrade.

[–] LePoisson 12 points 1 month ago (6 children)

You definitely need to tell us what happened with your wife. Can't just write something like that and leave it hanging!

[–] LePoisson 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yeah but didn't you just write a long ass explanation of how the posted "meme" is correct? Or can I not read.

[–] LePoisson 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

A cheap vortex mixer is a good investment if you like painting.

Plus the mixing balls are pretty cheap too if you wanted to get those. Anyways certainly one less $35 space marine is worth sacrificing for the paint mixer is all I'm saying.

I got this one and it works great for me, I like that it has a rechargeable battery inside and it has a more powerful motor than most of the others. Took awhile sifting through Amazon for a decent one. Only issue I've found is it can be finicky to get the switch triggered right to start it but that's not a big deal. Only had mine since Nov so can't speak on longevity of it.


[–] LePoisson 34 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Zionism is trash. Israel is the one doing the ethnic cleansing and genocide and using Zionism as part of the excuse for it.

I know it's not the fault of Judaism or Jews in general but goddamn Israel is probably turning people antisemitic because of what they're doing and have done.

[–] LePoisson 15 points 1 month ago (15 children)

I think most of them were state sponsored psyops or really shit trolls. I don't think most actual real marginally rational thinking people would have such a dumb af take.

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