
joined 1 year ago
[–] LazyLombax 2 points 1 month ago

I feel like you're the only person making sense. I work for a big corp that has a competent IT department. We shifted over to teams from Skype after COVID like a lot of other companies. There were some growing pains especially with some of the older folks at work but honestly it's been a net benefit. I have my personal gripes but my company is over 20k people and our implementation of the system is honestly awesome for corporate work.

Everything now is linked through our SharePoint site and smaller org based teams groups within that. We each control our own little micro site within the greater whole and it's much easier to share things between groups vs sending directory links through email or Skype. It's much more secure as I can control the permissions of files I share when I make the link. Very helpful when communicating with outside vendors. Timed permissions are really nice too as I can share access to a file for a certain amount of time before they have to request more access. Auto save has saved my ass tons of times but that's more of a SharePoint thing. But it does cause Excel sheets to calculate slower which is a big bummer and a tradeoff.

Does teams fuck up sometimes, ya it does. Especially when sending pictures or videos but fuck I don't know how you would even run a huge org like ours without something that is this integrated. People that complain about teams on Lemmy have interacted with it very little or work on teams that are small and don't implement it right. Id rather use a different system if I was working in any other environment and I do when I work on personal projects or small volunteer teams. Mostly slack and discord.

Sure the better option is a home brew system internal to the company you work for but when our company is already using Azure and 365 the switch to teams has been a no brainer.

[–] LazyLombax 1 points 10 months ago

Hi all. Thank you for everyone's suggestion it ended up being iGPU related. Please see the edit on the main post.

[–] LazyLombax 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

My game will not start when I try this command. Any other idea's I appreciate all the advice so far. Just really frustrating TBH

[–] LazyLombax 2 points 10 months ago

Must have dropped this 'T' Here ya go bud.

*RX 5600XT

[–] LazyLombax 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

I tried running the script but I have grub2 instead of grub and I am honestly not comfortable modifying boot up configs willey-nilley since I use this machine for side gig work and gaming. I tried ProtonGE like someone mentioned below and that also did not work. Game still looks like this at about 20fps. Which is unideal for an RTS lol

[–] LazyLombax 2 points 10 months ago

Replying to the original reply. I got ProtonGE9-4 up and running and the game still plays the same. Game still says I dont even meeting the minimum system requirements for "Low" settings. Really not sure whats going on here.

[–] LazyLombax 1 points 10 months ago

Great! Thanks for the information.

[–] LazyLombax 1 points 10 months ago

This looks promising. And sounds exactly what I'm facing. I have never ran a .sh file like what was referenced on the post.

Any idea is I just dump this into a command window? Still new to this Linux stuff so appreciate any guidance. Don't wanna fuck up anything lol.

[–] LazyLombax 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Great I'll give this a shot. I've never install anything via asdf, similar to RPM? Can I have this installed along side normal Proton? I don't want to mess with the 99% of games that are working 100% fine on Linux through Steam Proton.

[–] LazyLombax 1 points 10 months ago

Drongo nap. My man! Love that crazy Aussie. appreciate the time.

[–] LazyLombax 2 points 10 months ago (5 children)

I have not. Is this within the Proton compatibility tab within steam? I'm away from my machine for a couple more hours but I'll look into this.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by LazyLombax to c/[email protected]

Age of Empires 4 is the only game I have had trouble getting to run properly after my switch to Linux. On my Windows boot I can play at 100% scaling 1440P and get a solid 80fps with High settings

When I launch AOE4 on Linux through steam it defaults to 720p low graphics and 50% scaling and still only gets about 20FPS in the menu!

If I manually up the settings to the level I know my rig can run based on my Windows boot the game basically crawls to a hault.

I have scrolled through all of the pages on ProtonDB and tried all of the Boot Config's suggested that relate to underperformance in the preference menu in steam. I have tried forcing proton experimental and the beta version and running it in an X11 session.

Even moderate increases from the 720p defaults cause so much lag the game is unplayable.

It feels like the game isn't even using my GPU. Any advice on getting this working? My workaround right now is to just boot into windows when I want to play AOE4 the side benefit of this is solid HDR support but I hope that changes once Wayland HDR for gaming works better out if the box.

Setup Fedora KDE Plasma AMD 5600X Graphics AMD AMD RYZEN 7 7700X CPU Dual Monitor Setup. Main Monitor 27" 1440P with Freesnnc Second Monitor 21" 1080P with Freesync

SOLVED: Buddy of mine suggested I monitor my GPU usage just to see if that helped find any clues on what was going on. I installed Misson Control and took a look at the usage. This is when I noticed that I had 2 GPUs. Then it clicked. For some reason AOE4 was using my iGPU. I upgraded CPU's over the summer and never realized this AMD CPU had an iGPU. I am sure I could have found a command to force Proton to use a specific GPU but the quick and dirty was just disabling it. I disabled it in the bios and restarted. No more iGPU in Misson Center. However, now none of my games launched in Steam. Messed around with some launch options for about an hour until i just reinstalled my MESA drivers. Rebooted and now everything plays perfectly.

[–] LazyLombax 3 points 1 year ago

Check out Ondsel it's a FreeCAD fork that is very polished and has some optional paid teirs for PLM. They are using RealThunder's fix to the topological naming problem and Assembly3 for their assembly workbench. Which works really well on the small subassemblies I've made so far. I've been using it for a few weeks after switching to Linux as my daily driver and loosing access to Fusion360, it's missing a ton of EOL features still, Offsets is a big one for me, but it's getting there.

As someone that's been using CAD for almost 15 years it still takes a bit of a learning curve coming from Softwares like SOLIDWORKS, NX, Creo, or Fusion. But after getting the hang of it and installing some great add-ons from the community to expand the workbenches I'm really loving it. It's built in FEM great for static models. Not replacing ANSYS anytime soon. But fun to mess around with.

Having a solid basis in GD&T really helps you understand why FreeCAD makes certain decisions. Learning DOF rescritions using minimum constraints really sets you up for success. And using OG datums for sketches and then project to surfaces has been a big mindset shift for me that's helped solve a lot of issues I had with the software when I first used it years back.

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