
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 9 months ago

OK this article is infuriating, as is the product it's hyping up.

If 2.5% of our emissions is going toward feeding 4 billion people then I'm totally fine with letting those emissions continue. This isn't a thing we need to "solve," this reeks of a capitalist looking at graphs of our emissions and going "we could cut emissions by 1% here and not have to actually change our habits at all!" This isn't the problem causing climate change.

The energy sector accounts for over 70% of our emissions. Instead of trying to stop emitting less than 1% by pouring money into genetically manipulating plants to need less fertilizer, why don't we instead cut 30% or more by replacing coal plants with solar, wind, and nuclear power?

[–] [email protected] -2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Is the "commie" in the room with you now? This is an unhinged level of angrv to get over a really quite tame comment.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago (1 children)

In what universe have corruption and lying not been rampant in "the west" over the last hundred years? Did you just pull this comment out of a book titled "Red Scare Propaganda?"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

And don't forget the colonies of puerto Rico and Guam

[–] [email protected] 16 points 9 months ago (4 children)

My fiancee and I both got artificial sapphires in our engagement rings.

Real ones were nearly double the price.

You wouldn't know they're lab grown. They look great.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

Oh no I think that's VERY deliberate. If you haven't read the books and don't know about Selene, it's 100% their intent that you buy into her. It makes her big reveal MUCH more impactul.

In the book it's more obvious, but it's still not clear who she is. She is clearly not just some random noble woman, since she shows up in an alternate reality. But she is trying to make Rand think she really is just some helpless noble woman, and while the audience thinks something is up, Rand doesn't.

Making it less obvious something is up for the audience is a good move IMO

[–] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Appendices to LOTR*

They legally cannot use the silmarillion

[–] [email protected] 21 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Hard disagree here. I'm a rabid wheel of time fan who has read the books at least 6 times.

Ir would be downright impossible to "stick to the source" for book one (or really, any if them) and have it be good on film. It just wouldn't work on film, there is too much going on. The story would feel like it drags and is being forcefully stretched out, because the book is rather repetitive. That repetition works in a book because you are getting to read the characters inner thoughts, and in paper it adds tension that, for example, Rand and Mat are unsure whether the next place they stay will be full of dark friends.

But after the third time they get chased out by dark friends a TV audience would be like "OK they did this already get on with it." Repetition on TV gets boring FAST.

And the magic system is all kinds of messy in the books. They're diving into it a bit more now, but it's still got Tobe simplified for screen. You can't convey characters thoughts on screen, which basically neuters the whole system. The book is VERY exposition heavy, and that gets boring real quick on screen. Look at the LOTR theatrical VS extended editions. There is a reason that Bilbo talking about Hobbits at the beginning got cut. I like that scene, but it also is too much exposition to drop on the viewer right after the intro, which is also exposition. EOTW is like half exposition, and most of the books are at least a third exposition. That all has to get cut or reworked to be actually fun to watch without being super preachy. It's

Listen to Brandon Sanderson talking about the adaptation of Mistborm he has been working in for ages now. He has said that he had to make big, fundamental changes to the characters and story to make it work on film. He said his first draft was closest to the book, and that it was quite bad.

The biggest fuckup season 1 of the show did was not including the prologue. Idk why they cut it, it's such a good intro. Besides that, I thought they did alright. Season two has been much better so far, and has shown that they really do understand the core of this story and all of the characters in it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Show me in the screenshot where the doctor referring to a woman as a female in a medical context is.

OH wait, you can't, it's not there. We literally are not talking about that.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

Is this the incel brigades talking point? That it's racist to think that using "female" is creepy and dehumanizing?

I have never once heard a non-native speaker make this mistake. Having learned two other languages myself, I find it extremely hard to believe it's a mistake someone would have learned to make, even if they learned to speak English online. Teaching the words "man" and "woman" is literally one of the first lessons in ANY language class. That's true for English classes as well.

I never learned the equivalent of male and female in either of the language classes I have taken. So unless there's a language that has words ONLY for "male" and "female" and no equivalents for "man" and "woman" this talking point is stupid.

Why are you"asking questions" to make the use of "female" seem more acceptable?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago (7 children)

It's a terrible idea and it tells me that all the propaganda were getting about Ukraine clearly winning and barely losing anyone is bullshit. They must be real desperate if they're conscription people with mental disorders.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I spotted the fledgling Bald Eagles this morning, there were 2 in the nest I saw. I'm told there are 2 other nests on the property all with fledglings. I didn't see the adults, except for maybe at a distance- but there are so many ospreys that at the distance I was dealing with it was very hard to tell.

I also saw a Brown Headed Cowbird:

And got some great pictures of a Great Blue Heron:

There were also some nesting Red-Bellied Woodpeckers:


I suppose if you're more orthodox then you won't see this until after Shabbat, and that's fine. Is anyone doing anything fun tonight and tomorrow?

We didn't go to services- my Fiancee and I are both feeling a little ill, so we didn't want to risk spreading anything. Tomorrow I'm going to set up a new bird feeder post so I can hang more feeders and hopefully attract more birds!


I took a hike there this afternoon to look for Bald Eagles. I didn't see the eagles (thought I heard them!) but I did see a lot of other stuff! I didn't get any pictures of Ospreys, but I saw at least 6-7 of them. Here's the highlights.

The main picture of the post is a Great Crested Flycatcher. He landed on a tree like 20 feet in front of me, and was very polite as I took a couple of pictures.

Here's a Prairie Warbler doing what I'm pretty sure is a mating display:

Here's what I'm fairly certain is a female Blue Grosbeak. The pictures I got show the blue patch on her shoulder, and that yellowish streak in the wing:

I got a picture of what I thought was a tree swallow, but when I looked at it in Lightroom I realized that it was actually a Bank Swallow; I wasn't expecting to see any here but the band around its neck is clearly visible, and the spot on the belly is barely visible in the photo.


When I make a new post in the app, the icon to click to post the post is a plus sign. Can that get switched to the paper airplane icon you see in most other social media apps for posting something? I think that's kind of become the standard...


We have 2 cats and 2 dogs. You've seen 3 of them now.


We have a LOT of cardinals around our house, here's a few pictures I got of them over the last few days.


Hello! I've recently been getting into bird watching, and would like to start photographing more of the birds I see. I have been getting some good shots with my camera through my office window, but if I want to do more than that my equipment currently is pretty limited.

My Camera is a Nikon D5100, and I've had it for ages- I love this camera. I have a 55-200mm lens on it that I got way back when I got this camera, but that's a very limiting range- 200mm really isn't enough to do a lot of bird photography.

I know that when I get a better lens, it will likely be large enough to warrant a better tripod than what I currently have and possibly even a gimbal mount (though, that may be a future upgrade).

So, those are the things I want recommendations for- telephoto lenses that will fit my camera, a good tripod, and gimbal mounts. I can't break the bank, I know this will be VERY hard for good telephoto lenses but I'd like to stay under $800 for the lens if at all possible- that way I can upgrade sooner rather than later, the tripod and gimbal can be future upgrades I save up for. I'd like a tripod that will last me a good long time and is quite sturdy- the one I currently have is pretty cheap, and while it's sturdy enough for now I don't think it will do a good job with a heavy lens beyond a 200mm focal length.



Title says it all; I was uploading some images to post and got a rate limit error. I'm assuming that means there is a limit to how often you can upload images, but searching around I wasn't able to find what that limit is. Does anyone have any documentation on that?


These house finches have been visiting my feeder for a few days now. There are 5 of them, 2 adults and their young (who are now nearly adults themselves).

More pics:

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