
joined 8 months ago
[–] Land_Strider 1 points 17 minutes ago

Me, a Turk: Black tea my beloved, you'll always be hot for me every morning, second breakfast, noon, afternoon, 5 o'clock, evening.

[–] Land_Strider 1 points 21 minutes ago

Yes. This looks like how I start my minecraft houses as a stock functional 4-walls-rooms and then start doing many smaller additions or removals to make them fit the flow of the environment or at least not look like a modern apartment block.

[–] Land_Strider 1 points 24 minutes ago

Oh boy, in that concept, at least in style and somewhat in philosophy, I have another, a completely popular anime to recommend: Cowboy Bebop

[–] Land_Strider 1 points 30 minutes ago

Not to compare, but I remember I had put a few olden (20 years old at least) lego bricks from my childhood together and made a support castle underneath an XFX brand 6700 XT with 3 fans.

[–] Land_Strider 1 points 36 minutes ago

Failed, go to horny jail.

[–] Land_Strider 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

3x ! With anniversary (of horse funerals)

[–] Land_Strider 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Holy Batman, this is the first time I'm seeing this, and I've known about this since it was first on the internet. On a 4 month old post, in this part of the internet, localized entirely in the braindead greentext community.

Edit: My client decided that it wants me to reply to this comment, regardless if I delete and re-reply, instead of the one below with the actual link.

[–] Land_Strider 2 points 2 days ago

Hey, they are the fluffiest critters ever among those that ran over me. They don't even tickle, just a smooth touch.

Developes feelings for the house centipedes

[–] Land_Strider 1 points 3 days ago

Labeling one side as terrorists while both are employing the terrorism has just a difference of political power, and that is even in some parts of the world only. Also, lets not forget the side that is not officially labeled a terrorist organization has been employing the terrorism to a greater extent with much more intensity for 3 quarters of a century and only for vile outcomes rather than as crappy tools for an understandable cause.

[–] Land_Strider 2 points 3 days ago

The non-intense part is an actual requirement for land development. I don't think their zionist settlers would like the experience of trucking beach house materials under fire or while facing blockades. Those are reserved for the aid convoys.

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